8 ➳ In Which There's Sake

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             You sat in silence as you stitched up Arthur's wound. A little surprised of Arthur could take it really. Not making a noise, just clenching his jaw.

      After a few more minutes of nursing Arthur injury you were finally finished with it. "There you go, pretty boy." You teased knowing how Arthur dislikes being called pretty boy. "You're all patched up now," You said as you began to re-bandage his shoulder.

       Arthur let out a sigh of relief, like he was glad you were finally finished. His hand come up to rub his wounded shoulder, but you slapped his hand away. "Don't touch it! You'll get it aggravated!" You scolded him.

       Arthur shook his hand a little, your slap was hard enough to make it sting. "I didn't know you could stitch up wounds, (Y/n). Someone teach you that or did'cha learn it on your own?"

       You began to put all your first aid equipment back into your satchel. "I was taught by my hus-" You caught yourself before you could finished that sentence.

     But Arthur already knew what you were going to say. "Husband?" He asked. "You were married once?" You nodded.

    "Yeah," You signed the memory was one you didn't like to discuss. "He taught me how to treat wounds and all.. Just in case it would be needed." That's all you had to say about that and Arthur could tell it was a touchy subject you didn't want to go into.

      Arthur laid back onto the bedroll, and let out a shaky breath as his shoulder ached from the movement. "Arthur go easy, you aggravating your shoulder." You scolded him again, helping him ease onto the bedroll.

       Arthur grabbed your wrist, making you fall down besides him. "Stay," He asked and you nodded giving him a kiss on his lips. "Okay, Arthur."


        Arriving back at camp was rather quick. After Arthur rested up some you two decided it would be best to had on back to Horseshoe Overlook. Since it wasn't for from Cumberland Forest away.

    Upon arriving at camp you couldn't help the sick feeling inside your stomach once your eyes landed on John, who made his way over to You and Arthur.

    "Jesus, Arthur! What happened to you?" John asked, helping Arthur dismount his mare. "Nothing, but a mountain lion.." Arthur explained. "I'll be just fine, thanks to (Y/n),"

       As soon as Arthur's feet touched the ground, his legs buckled and he probably would've fallen if John didn't catch him. "Woah, easy Arthur." John pulled one of his arms around Arthur's shoulder, making sure not to touch his wound.

       You dismounted Duncan making your way over to Arthur and John. "He's probably weak from blood lost." You stated.

      John groaned as Arthur slumped against him. "Damn, Arthur your heavy." John said as he helped Arthur to his tent. You coming to take Arthur's other arm pulling it around your shoulder as you wrapped a arm around his waist, helping John so he wouldn't be crushed by the larger male.

     Arthur let out a huff of pain as you accidentally touched his injured shoulder, you you quickly whispered an apology.

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