4 ➳ In Which There's Peace

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A filler chapter 👏🏻

    Arriving back to camp after your hangover subsided, Arthur and Dutch were the first to see you ride back.

    You dismounted Duncan, not caring about hitching him at the moment. A small figure ran your way, once walked away from the horse.

    "Ma!" Nathan chirped happily, running into your arms as you embraced him. "I missed you, so much!" He told you, hugging you tightly.

     You pulled away from his hug, cupping his small face in your hands as you leaned to give him a gentle kiss on the nose, "I missed you too, Nathan." You smiled, giving him another kiss on his little nose before standing up and walking towards Arthur and Dutch. Nathan following you.

      "A sack-of-shit with guns," Is the words that left your mouth once you stopped in front of Arthur and Dutch. "That's what he is, and that's what he always will be,"
"Where's Micah?" Dutch asked, "You didn't kill him did you," You laughed at, oh you laughed at that. "As much I want to, I might not get my chance. You see the bastard got himself caught by the law in Strawberry," You said, a grin appearing in your face.
    "...And readying to be hanged," Oh, how you wish you could go back to that town without being recognized, you'd take a seat and watch them hang that shit-hole with amusement.

    "Here's hoping," Arthur said, Dutch looked at him like he was surprised by his words. "Arthur!"

    Arthur looked back at Dutch, "What? The fool brought it on himself, he deserves it!" Arthur remarked, him and Dutch began to argue a little back and forth about Arthur going to get Micah out of jail and Arthur didn't seemed to pleased about saving Micah from a hanging ether.

    Dutch walked over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Thanks for telling me Miss Turner, now go spend time with your boy."

   Nodding as Dutch walked a way -book in hand- you looked down to see that Nathan has clung onto your leg. Smiling up at you like the child he is.

     "So, Micah gonna be hanged.. think I'll ride out there to see it myself," Arthur joked, but you both knew that seeing him die would be the best for the gang.

    You don't remember much of yesterday, just arriving at Strawberry. Entering an makeshift saloon, and the first few drinks.. everything else a blur. Until you remember the loud sound of the gunshot when Micah killed that man. At the point, it was like you were sober from the free of being killed by angry lawmen.

      You bent down picking up your son, holding him close. "Arthur, come riding with me today.. Just me, you, and Nathan." You proposed to him, eyes meeting his in a gentle gaze.

    Arthur hand came to ruffles your hair, making you leaned into his as his hand slid down to hold your face gently. Thumb rubbing the now fading bruise under your eye. "Alright, (Y/n)."

     You smiled brightly, Arthur was someone that made your day light with joy. He could bring happiness to anyone, to bad he didn't know that himself.

    Nathan giggled as Arthur other hand came to ruffle his brown hair, making Arthur smile slightly.

     At the moment, it seemed like you three were a family. With Arthur gently touching your face, you leaning into his touch, and Nathan between it all. John saw it clearly enough from his tent. He knew you liked Arthur it was clear as day.

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