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"Just stay still, and don't scream. It may not hurt as much." He said while flicking the sharp end of the syringe before injecting it in a tiny girls arm.

"AHHH!!" She screamed in pain, the chemical traveling through her veins as she began to change.

"Its only going to make things worse for you two. Now I highly suggest that you lower your voice." Her 'doctor' advised with no change in mood.

The tiny girl bit her bottom lip to the point where the skin had broke and blood started to bleed out. Her body felt like she was being dipped in acid. When Dr. Shnider adjusted the tubes and crown like piece that was on her head.

She tried to break out of the leather belt straps that held her down as she kept squirming and screaming, begging for mercy as she cried uncontrollably. Shnider wasn't phased. He looked at her charts and heart beat that were shooting through the roof.

"Your putting too much stress on yourself, you need to relax. I know that this is uncomfortable but you must not fight it. You won't win." He said plainly as he stroked her hair, her eyes widen with fear as he touched her.

Finally, after what felt like hours of pain, had finally ended. The doctor recorded her charts and results in his notebook and turned back at the girl.

"I'm surprised that you survived. I'm impressed." He said casually before leaving, walking out of the room. 

"He's gonna kill me." The little girl hiccuped before sobbing herself to sleep.


"What's your name?"

"Oakley Sand"

"Very pretty, Where's your mommy?"

"I dunno."

"Where's your daddy?"

"I dunno."

"Okay, why are you sitting in front of the library all by yourself then?"

"Mommy told me to wait."

"At two in the morning?"


"I see, and how old are you?"


"Wha-a-ats... y-your-"


1st Person POV

"Get back here!!" Dr. Shnider shouted, running after me.

I quickly slipped in the small stock closet and slammed the door, quickly locking it and starting to barricade it with anything that I was able to lift. 

"Suri, open this door." He said on the other side.

"No!" I shouted back, looking around for a way to escape. 

The window.

I sprinted over and climbed up the shelves that contained a variety of objects and items. Knocking several over and hearing them break and shatter as I kept climbing up until I got to the top. Lifting the latch off and trying to pry it open, so old, so tight.

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