Chapter 4: Goodbye For Now

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"Haha! I'm gonna beat you!"

"No way! Your going down!" I laughed as me and Mikey kept playing video games together, nudging each other sides both biting our tongues trying to beat one another. We were so focused in our game we didn't even notice Donnie and Leo come in.

"They're at it again." We heard Donnie chuckle while digging in the fridge.

"What is it this time? Mortal Combat?" Leo asked from the kitchen.

"Crash Bandicoot. And I'm kicking Mikey's butt!" I laughed as I passed him on the racetrack.

"Ya know he's just letting you win right?"

As soon as I heard that I crashed my car and lost the game. I turned around and looked to see Raph.

"Not all the time." I groaned annoyed.

"Ignore him, wanna go for another round?" Mikey whispered. I smiled and nodded determined to beat my older brother this time. But just as we were about to click the start button.

"Good morning my children."

"Good morning father." My brothers said in sync.

"Morning dad!" I cheered, jumping up with my arms up high. I ran over and hugged his arm. He smiled and pat the top of my head, ruffing my hair. I giggled as he did so.

"My sons, I would like to speak with you in the dojo."

I released my dads arm and sighed. Sometimes I wished that I was a boy. So that I could go with them and be apart of the father son stuff.

I think Mikey saw me looking down upset because he leaned over and whispered.

"Don't worry, we'll play again after and order Josies Pizza." I smiled in excitement.

The four of my brothers left the room and went into the dojo with dad. And there I was. By myself. I sighed and went down the steps of the floor and went down to the sitting area, flipped the playstation to cable and turned on ed edd 'n eddy. I thought that I would get by one episode before everyone would come back out and play. Then I turned on a second episode, then a third, then I fell asleep. When I woke up, I lifted my head up and my eyes only half way open. It was Leo who shook me up.

"Are you guys done? Can we play now?" I asked still half asleep, with a yawn and rubbing my eyes. But instead of Leo's usual happy smile and agreement, he looked disappointed and sad.

"Actually, we need to talk."


"NO!" I shouted to all of my brothers, getting out of my chair and backed away from the table.


"NO! You guys can't leave me!"

"Suri calm down-"

"I can't! I don't want you guys to leave!" I cried out, feeling the stream of tears leak down my face and fall to the floor, as my brothers told me the devastating news.

"Y-you guys are going to be gone for two years! A-and going to leave me! Why does dad have to send you guys away!?" I broke down and sobbed, I didn't want them to leave.

It was Mikey's warm embrace that calmed me down. Holding me in his arms and apologizing. Did he not wanna go either? All of them looked upset, Donnie was holding his head in his hand facing the table, Leo just sighed and Raph just squeezed his can of soda until is was deformed.

"Suriyah." I looked up and it was father.

"I understand that you are upset but your brothers are going to return. For now they are in need to personal teamwork and independent training. That is why I'm sending them off. You will understand one day why I must do this."

"Your taking my brothers away! I'll never understand that." I choked on my words, the blur sight or reality was being submerged by my heavy tears, filling my eyes and overflowing before streaming down.

"I-I-I don't want you guys to leave." I sobbed, rubbing my tearfilled eyes.

"Hey," Leo rested his hand on my shoulder and wiped my tears away with his other.

"Don't think of this as the last goodbye, think of this as a business trip. We'll be back before you know it."


"Your a big girl now Suri. Nine years old, you'll be okay." Leo gave a sympathy smile. I sniffed, giving my nose a rub and nodded.

"We better get packing."


Dad talked me through everything, and trying to get me to understand and to see through his eyes. I couldn't. When my brothers came out, bags in hand or on back. I frowned. Dad rested his hand on my shoulder and nudged me forward.

I walked forward and stopped in front of them. Starting with Leo.

"Don't worry, we'll be back." Leo smiled, I forced one on and nodded before hugging him tight.

"Now. Remember to study up on your History packets, and if you have any migranes, your medicine is in the cabinet and April can always grab you some more." Donnie said trailing off, I smiled and just shut him up with a hug.

Then I approached Raph.

"Com'er squirt." He said scooping me up in his big arms. My tail wrapping around him dominate arm that held me like a baby, like the day he swooped in before that car did.

"Hey I'll grow!"

"Maybe, doubt it." He said messing with me.

"I'll miss you Raphie." Resting my head on his shoulder and giving him a hug.

"Yeah, I'll miss you too squirt." His voice sounding shaky.

Then it was Mikey's turn.

"Promise to bring me something back?" I asked forcing a smile.

"What do you have in mind?" He laughed, picking me up.

"A piranha!" I came up with excited.

"Haha! I'll try my hardest."

We both immediately embraced each other and held it. I know I'm not supposed to have favorites, but Mikey has always been my first choice. And now...

"Don't beat my videogame scores while I'm gone." He said shaky.

"I'll try." I hiccuped.

When Dad pulled me away, I knew that this was goodbye. I felt my eyes water and I waved to them goodbye as they, one by one, left the lair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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