Chapter 3: Two

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- 4 Years Later -

"Okay Suri, remember just like we practiced okay?" Casey and Raph both gave me a reassuring smile as I stood next to the mini pool that sat in the far corner next to the entrance.

"Do I have to?"  I asked desperate not to do anything.

"You need to learn to swim kiddo." Casey rested his hand on my shoulder.

"When am I ever going to need to know how to swim? What about climbing? I'm good at climbing and running!" I begged, not wanting to submerge myself in the pool.

"You are good, but ya need to work on what your not good at." Raph told with his arms still crossed.


"No more excused now come on. Get in." Raph motioned me over.

My stomach tightened and I felt goosebumps travel up my arms. I didn't want to do this. But I did as I was told and climbed up and into the pool. My body tingled at the feeling of the water, my hands still holding onto the edge of the plastic.

"Alright, now try to hold your breath." Casey said with a funny face as he puffed his cheeks. I giggled, he looked funny.

"Alright now its your turn." I stopped laughing. And shook my head.


"I don't want to Raph I really don't." I begged, holding onto the edge tighter.


"I don't want to learn how to swim! I'm getting out!" I started to pull myself up.

"No your not!"

"Hey relax Raph."

"Yes I am!"

"No your not!" Raph snapped before shoving my hands off the edge and I sunk down in the water.

I struggled. My fur had kept me pulled down and I didn't know how to go back up. I didn't get much of a gasp of air! I squirmed and twisted and turned but no luck. I couldn't reach the top and I... I...

"I gotcha!" 

I felt the cold air hit my lungs and it felt good. I wasn't in the water anymore. I was Mikeys arms, coughing and gagging. I think I might have even vomited a little after coming up. I looked around the room and saw everyone looking at me with relief. Before Leo turned to glare at Raph, but before they could start they're regular fighting.

"Why would you do that?" I asked with a hiccup. Looking straight at Raph.

"Do you hate me so much that you want me to die!" I shouted with no filter. 

Before Raph could answer I stormed out and into my room. Clicking the lock and pulling my hair down in frustration. I felt something snap inside and lost myself for a minute. When I gained my real self back together I noticed that my room was a mess. My bed set was everywhere, my mirror was smashed, my bear was decapitated. 

What did I do?

I walked towards the mirror and saw my reflection in the many shattered pieces that still stuck on with the frame. My eyes were red and when I blinked the tears away they were back to their normal yellow and blue. 

Am I a monster? I am, I am!

I crouched down and buried my head in my knees while gripping onto my hair, and my tail wrapped itself around my chest. What have I done, now they'll kick me out for sure. I don't belong here or anywhere.

"I could do them a favor and just leave. What do you think Bobbsie?" I wiped my eyes while looking back in the mirror at myself.

"It's for the best. I just don't fit in." I quickly grabbed my pink monkey backpack and threw in some clothes and a few candy bars before sneaking out of the lair. 

My brothers were so caught up in yelling and fighting that they probably didn't even hear the door open and close. So it was just me. I walked down the sewer for what felt like forever, taking several turns to where I didn't know where I was anymore. Leo and Donnie had showed me around the paths but I never understood them that well.

The only thing here beside myself was rats, bugs, and the distant sound of the subway. Nothing out of the ordinary. I decided to sit for a little bit and snack on one of the candy bars, but I couldn't help but have this feeing. That I wasn't alone, despite the rodents and bugs. 

The echo of nearby footsteps confirmed my worries. I stood up and decided to peak around the corner, only to meet something with no eyes inches from mine. I screamed in surprise and jumped backwards. It wasn't a human like April and Casey. It was a monster like me. A really really big monster. It creepily came out from behind the corner and stood up eight feet tall, its body was slim and human like, its arms and legs had razor sharp claws its head was lumpy and had no eyes. But it had teeth. Sharp teeth.

The monster faced me and hissed, drool spewing out and it started to walk towards me. And I walked backwards. Holding my breath as it inched closer. I hoped since it had no eyes that it wouldn't be able to see me. It let out a shrieking roar at my face. Maybe it can see after all. 

I ran away as fast as I could with it following close behind. I should have never left. I should have just stayed. I turned corners and jumped over streams of gray water all until I tripped over my own tail and tumbled downwards.

Groaning in pain, I heard the monsters shrieks as it started to come closer. I scooted back and hid inside an old empty box, pulling my tail onto my lap. Its feet appeared and started walking around before starting to leave. I stayed in the box and exhaled in relief, before a giant claw ripped me out from that box and pulled me close to its face. Hissing in my face where I could feel it spit and smell its terrible breath.

I held my breath and was going to accept anything that was about to be done when I heard a soft clink. I looked at the monster and noticed that it was wearing dog tags. I looked back at the monster and without a word I pulled out my tags from my shirt and showed it. The creature stopped what it was doing and held me back, looking at my tags and touched them. I looked at his trying to see the engraving and was only able to see the number two.

"Two?" I asked aloud. My heart still pounding.

"SURI!!" We heard from the distance. Leo?

The monster looked back at me and growled before dropping me and ran into the gray water and disappeared. 


"Suri! I found her!" Donnie shouted as soon as he appeared in front of me. I pulled my eyes away from the sewer water and looked up at my worried brother.

"What were you thinking?" He asked as the rest of our brothers arrived.

"Suri, what has gotten into you, why would you run away?" Leo asked, but I turned back to the water.

"Lets just get her home." Raph said relieved.

Mikey came over with arms open ready to pick me up when I flinched away.

"You okay Sur?" He asked confused.

"I-... yes... But I can walk." I stood up and took Leo's offered hand and we started to make our way back home.

But now I know. I'm not the only one.

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