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Your P. O. V 💛

     " Oh shit it's already 7:30 I have to get ready" I get up and walk to my closet.  I pull out a black and white checkered hoodie, ripped skinny jeans,  and I walk over to the corner of the room next to my dresser to grab my shoes. After of what seemed like 10 minutes of staring at my shoes I just pick out my white chuck Taylors.
     I mean I'm pretty basic aren't I.  Seems like every girl would wear this.  But i don't care if I like it,  I like it and no one can do shit about it.
      {Time skip}
     I walk down stairs and see my mom dancing to the clash and she hands me my lunch.  "Thanks mom I love you " I stand on my tippy toes and give her a hug.  " I love you too honey bunches " She says looking at me smiling.  " Moooom! " I say laughing. " Okay.  Okay," She laughs " Have a good first day.  I know it's a new school.  But...  I think it will be a good change Considering you were bullied so badly when we lived in arkansas. " She look at me with a soft look on her face. " I agree mom,  and your new job is wonderful...  So maybe we can live better, " I looked at the clock " Oh shoot!  Bye mom I got to go! " I ran towards the door.  "Bye sweetie! "
{  time skip }
     I walk into school and I'm instantly hit with anxiety.
' I'm going to be fine.  I'm going to stay positive and I'm going to make friends...  You got this...  But wait. Where is the office. '
      I see this group of boys and two girls. They are all laughing and talking.  I go to approach them.  " Hey can someone show me to the office.  I'm new here and...  Well.  I don't know where anything is" I say quietly but loud enough for them to here me.
     The girl with medium length brown hair. With the prettiest brown eyes and amazing facial features looks at me with I warm smile. "Sure. My names Jane. I'll show you where it is" She says pretty quietly.  'She must be shy too' I finally tilt my head up to get a better look at her. My heart skips a beat.  Wow. She's so pretty. But wait...  I don't like girls..  Do I?!?!
     ( btw this is later and eleven talks more and goes by Jane.  But she's still quiet and shy)
     Elevens P. O. V
Wow.  She's so pretty. Maybe we can be friends.  I think I kinda like her but I better get to know her. That's what Mike told me people do.

     Back to your P. O. V
     Jane and I start walking to the office. And in no time we get there.  Jane turns to me " Would you like to sit with my friends and I at lunch today? " she says looking to the side. I look up " Sure that sounds great! " Giving here a reassuring smile. We say our goodbyes and I walk into the office.  ' this year is going to be great. I can tell'

Authors note!!!!!!
Hey guys I've been gone for so long. Thank you so much for 3k reads that means so much to me 😭 I love you guys.  Part two will be posted and Friday or thursday!!!  I hope you liked this imagine!  Much love 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞😍😍😍😍

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