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Donnie never gave up. He spent 10 hours straight, working on his project. Leo was getting worried and Donnie refused to stop working so he ignored Leo,
pleading for Donnie to open up from the other side of the lab door. Leo at one point attempted to push Donnie's dinner under the door into the lab but the doors were to big. "Leo you should finish your dinner!." Raph Exclaimed.

"Ya! I didn't just cook this shit for nothing. So sit your ass down." Mikey complained, offended because Leo wouldn't eat the perfectly good steak he made.

"What about Donnie!? He needs to eat to-!"

"Shut the hell up. And SIT your ASS down.." Mikey commanded, snapping his fork in half with frustration.

Leo's eyes widened and he walked over, sitting with his brother's. Raph could feel tension in the room so he stood up. " full..."

Mikey smiled. "I'm glad SOMEONE appreciates my cooking...well off you go Raphie." Mikey waved, gesturing him to go to his room.

"Raphie?" Raph asked.

"I SAID....Off you go...RAPHIE..." Mikey said, almost repeating himself. He walked over to get a new fork.

Raph quickly left, afraid of what Mikey might do, or say next. After 20 minutes of uncomfortable silence and Leo poking at his food Mikey gets up, washing his plate and walks over to his bedroom. He glances over to Leo slightly before walking away. Leo waiting for Mikey to be gone completely before throwing away the steak and washing his plate. He headed to his room and needed to find a way to get Donnie out of his lab Again. But tomorrow he planned on having everyone do some training in the dojo. And there was NO way Donnie was getting out of it. Leo leaned his head onto his pillow and drifted off to sleep, leaving his covers on the floor of his room.

Next day- 6:28
Donnie's POV

Well I'm super disappointed right now. I spent so much time just to make something as simple as a LOVE POTION! You have got to be kidding me. I was so disappointed that I just fell asleep in my lab. I really had no use for a love potion. It's useless. I don't really like anyone so I can't use it. And if I were to be in love with someone, using a love potion on them would make that love not real. And I want something real. I look over to the potion on my desk. What a let down. I get up and walk over to the lab doors and open them. The first thing I see is Leo casually sitting at the couch with Mikey and Raph. He jumps up and skips to me.
"Oh Donnie! You're out! Now we can all go to the dojo and train a bit." He says, excitement in his voice.

"We?" I say, oblivious to the fact that he's making everyone do this.

"Of course! Now let's go."

"Uhh do you mind if I do something really quick?" I say.

"Sure..?" He says, unsure if he made the right choice.

I run back to the lab and quickly grab a piece of paper and write in big dark letters 'DO NOT TOUCH.' I stick the label to the front of the bottle and take the bottle out towards the kitchen.

Leo's POV

Me and the others are waiting for Donnie and I don't know what he's doing in his lab. Im about to walk over but I see Donnie walk out holding something. I can't see it and I'm squinting my eyes trying to figure out what it is, but I just can't. He was kinda walking sideways holding the object behind him. I see him walk towards the kitchen, and then he leaves the object in the fridge. Hmmm. Weird. I probably shouldn't get too into it... He walks towards us and he has this weird look on his face. Almost like he's nervous. He's trying to act casually but I've know him long enough to know something up.

"Heyy..guys.." He says waving.

"Can we just get this over with. I have something to do after this." Raph says, folding his arm and tapping his foot impatiently.

"What do you have to do that so important?" I say, annoyed that he doesn't wanna spend time his brother's.


"That's what I thought." I say, passing him to lead everyone to the dojo.

4 hours later, after the intense training
Still Leo's POV

Wow. We haven't had a training session like that in forever. It kinda felt nice having everyone in one place, not yelling at one another. Anyway, after everyone can finally start walking again, Mikey walks out and I watch him go towards the TV. Raph is next to leave and I see him walk towards the couch to read some magazines. And finally Donnie walks out, towards his lab. Obviously. Anyway I was VERY dehydrated so I make my way to the kitchen. I guess Raph knew what I was up to so he blurted out, "You better not have any of my drinks!"

"Are you talking about your beers?" I ask.

"Ya! Those are mine."

"Why the hell would I drink a beer if i'm thirsty?"

"I don't know. Just don't. The last thing we need is for our fearless leader to be running around drunk..." Raph chuckles.

I roll my eyes and continue walking to the kitchen. I rush to the fridge and open it. The first thing I see is a bottle of some sort. I pick it up and stare at it for a few seconds. It's a pink glowing liquid. Which most likely means I can drink it. I'm about to take a nice gulp when I notice a note on the bottle with big words saying 'DO NOT TOUCH.' I ignore the words thinking that someone wrote it so no one would drink it but I was desperate. I tried finding something else to drink but this was the only thing. Besides Raph's beers , but I wasn't trying to get drunk so those weren't really an option. I fill up another cup with the pink glowing liquid and chug the whole thing down. It had a sweet taste, with a bit off a sour after taste. I didn't realize that I had suddenly gotten a big head and stomach ache. I was in a lot of pain. I didn't know if it was the drink or from training so much. My legs started to feel weak and I could barely stand. It felt like I had noodles for legs. I lean against the counter holding my stomach. I groan a bit. I start slowly walking towards Donnie lab. He has to know what's wrong with me. Should I tell him about the weird drink I had? I push open the doors, but instantly fall in. I assumed the doors would be locked so I pushed really hard. I crash to the ground, and hear Donnie gasp. He runs over to me and quickly kneels down to my level. "LEO! Are you okay!!!?!" He asks frantically as he runs off to grab his medical bed, and rushes towards me.

Then everything just goes black.

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