Chapter 55- overlook

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*Grayson's point of view*

I blinked twice as I woke up, I looked at my window and saw the sun shining through. I looked at my chest and saw her brown hair covering her face.

A smile formed on my lips, I gently place my fingers on her cheeks tucking her hair behind her ears.

Flashbacks from the night before came running into my thoughts. A chill overcomes me as I remember....

I slide my fingers into her hair with a circular motion, rested my head on the pillow and closed my eyes again not wanting to wake her up.

I slowly open my eyes as I begin to hear sniffing....

I saw Emma with her back against me, so push my elbow on the bed and stretched my hand to tap her shoulders.

Me: Emma?

I said with my deep morning voice.

But no answer from her.

Me: Emma, hey... turn around.

Emma: I'm fine.

I know for sure she's lying, I get up from the bed and walk over to her side. I sit on the floor in front of her. And she immediately bites her lips out of nervousness.

I rub her cheeks and ask her what's wrong.

She takes a deep breath.

Emma: Grayson aren't you tired? Why do you keep getting back to me and end up hurting yourself every time. Every time I look at you, I see the bags formed under your eyes because of me. And your sudden change in color, look at your room Grayson. Where did all the color go? It feels like I'm sucking every single drop of happiness in your life. You don't deserve that.
I don't deserve you.

I let out a deep sigh.

Me: are you done?..

Me: you think you are sucking every drop of happiness and let me tell you how wrong you are. Just looking at you brings me joy, seeing you smile, or hearing your giggles. What actually happens is when you're gone you take a piece of me with you. So no Emma I'm not tired. Because being with you is one of the reasons I'm grateful to be alive.

Emma: I-

Me: don't, just get up and wash your face.

Emma shakes her head and wipes the tears on her cheek.

The day went by and as the sun began to set, we drove to her favorite coffee place and parked the car at a great overlook of the city. We spent the night talking and bringing back our good memories. I dropped her off at her house and kissed her goodnight. I drove back to my home excited for more nights with her.

As weeks went by everything went perfectly normal. Well, except the fact that James drifted. After Ethan broke up with Cindy during the second week of them dating. I told him everything that happened in the club before they met, and he wasn't too happy about it but, he eventually got over it.

Emma and I have a date later today, she wanted me to pick her up and drive to the same overlook we went to couple of weeks ago. When I went to pick her up, as she got into the car. she grabbed my face and kissed me smiling nervously.

I put on some music and enjoyed the view with her hand in mine. She looked at my eyes, an tear started to drop.

Grayson: honey what's wrong?

I wiped the tear off her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

She opens her mouth to speak but she's struggling.

Grayson: you know you can tell me anything, right? Tell me, what's bothering you.

She smiled as she wiped her tears.

She opened her bag and took something out.

Emma: Grayson, you're going to be a father.

She said pointing at a positive pregnancy test.
That's it for this chapter! I'm finally back.
My grades are something I really wanted to focus on, but my summer vacation already started so more chapter are coming.

Thank you so much for waiting and being patient with me. I hope you can enjoy those last couple of chapters.

Follow me on Instagram: @_morgansmiths

Much love,

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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