pt seventeen

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Rosé just finished her fresh shower, she then wear white tight jean and pink GUESS crop top, she wears like that because she want to take a fresh air at the Han River alone.

She then carry her small black bagpack and quickly left the room heading to downstairs. Well Jungkook leave because he have to meet Kim Seokjin for the business partner. Once she already downstairs she walked to the kitchen and its empty, she sure that her parents still sleeping.

She then walked towards the front door and put on her pink adidas shoes. She open the door and left the mansion. She use her white bicycle that her grandmother bought for her. She smell the fresh air and enjoy the ride. After about 20 minutes she riding the bicycle, she already arrived at Han River. She can saw many peoples include family went there.

She pull her bicycle towards the emoty bench and lay the bicycle on the ground. She sat down on the bench. She suprised when theres notification on her phone, so she quickly open it and its Lisa

Lisa who's texting making her smile. She quickly open the message app.




I already in Korea,
sorry texting you late dear!!

Jinjaa, its okay
sweety, where r u?

I'm at Gongcha Cafe
meet me there!!

Arra, bye
i will go there

Rosé happily switching her phone off and quickly stand up her bucyicle then rife it. Its not took a long time to arrived there, its just near to the Han River after all.

She then stopped when she saw Jieun with another guy holding hand?? she took her phone from her bag and take a picture of it. She then continue riding her bicycle to the cafe that Lisa text her. She feel pity to Jungkook because her girlfriend dumped him without Jungkook know. Well we know that Jieun is beautiful but her heart is not beautiful, she play Jungkook like a toy, she's just want moneys from him thats why.

Once Rosé arrived at the cafe, she parked her bicycle and lock it, well she didnt even forgot to bring her bicycle key and lock, because she is smarter than you thought. She pushed the cafe door and quickly rushed to Lisa who are sitting alone there.

"Lisaaayah!!!" After Lisa heard that she quickly stand up from her seat and immediately hugged Rosé tightly

"i miss you so much Rosie" Lisa said as she still hugged Rosé

"how was in Thailand?" Rosé askes when they sit down on their seat

"good, Bambam dont want to back to Korea so he just stay there for couple months" Lisa replied

"oh i see, well when do you date Jiminie~" Rosé teased her

"yah~ its later, tonight" Lisa replied happily "how about you, how Jungkook?" she added

"Jungkook is nice husband, really really good husband" Rosé replied to her

"wow, you are such lucky girl, Rosé-yah" Lisa pouted her mouth, thats mean she's jealous

"yah if you already date Jimin, he will propose you" Rosé teased her again

"yah! dont say that again, i'm shy you know" Lisa said as she hit Rosé hand softly

They both talking each other. Rosé missed her so much, she is her bestfriend since primary school and also secondary school. She can't believe that Lisa is such a good bestfriend, she even didnt forgot about Rosé, thats mean they are a good bestfriend.

"Lisa see you tomorrow" Rosé said as she bid goodbye to Lisa who are entering the taxi

"hwaiting!" Rosé shouted made Lisa look annoyed funnily

Rosé unlocked her bicycle and then pushed it to the pathway. She ride the bicycle and back to the mansion. Its took 25 minuted to go back there but Rosé didnt even get tired.

After arrived, she put her bicycle beside her car. She walk towards the front door and rang the bell. Once the door opened and it's the handsome brunette guy name Jungkook


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