Chapter 10: Wake Up

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What is life? Who knows the actual meaning of life? To me...Life is hard. It's a bitch honestly. I am stuck. I've been through so much that crying doesn't help at all. Writing doesn't either. I use to write about things I had issues with or I was struggling with. It no longer helps. Life sucks...Life is a bitch.

When I got the call from Paige talking about how D was in a coma, I flipped. I was upset. It had been a while since I've talked to him. It's crazy. I still have love for him, I mean, we dated. In that time of dating, before we were distant, we expressed things to each other. Things that we normally wouldn't tell anyone else. Now, he's in a coma. And there's no telling whether or not if he'll wake up from that coma. I'm scared.

I asked Ty to take me to the hospital he was in. When we got there, I asked for his room and everything and they directed me there. It was crazy and weird seeing him laying in that bed, tubes everywhere, and looking peacful. Honestly, he looked dead already. That's why I cried.

Ty held me while I cried. It was all overwhelming for me. I still loved D, no matter what. I care for him deeply. I asked Ty to give me a few minutes alone with him. When he left, I started talking to him.

"Hey D, it's me. Zenia...Carter. Um, it's weird seeing you like this. I remember the time we were at the park on a picnic. Some dog ran by, jumping and everything, and I said that he needs to leave. But you looked on the bright side and said we should play with him. I remember throwing the frisbee and he caught it with his mouth. We were so happy that day. It didn't matter what happen, you always looked at the bright side of things".

I started to tear up from that memory but continued talking. "There was also that time where I was at your house. We were kissing and everything, and then you stopped to look at me. You told me that I was the most beautiful girl you had ever laid eyes on. You said you loved me, and you will always love me no matter what. You would travel the world for me. Fight for me. Do anything when it came to me. And whenever I started crying, you wiped my tears and said you got me. You said you would protect me forever and ever babe. You said that whenever I'm with you, every tear that comes out of my eyes will be happy tears".

I started thinking more about the times we shared. I had a crazy moment. Soon, the doctor came in to check on him. "Doc, what happen? How did he get like this?". "Well, apparently during his preseaon conditioning, one of his teammates tackled him a little too hard during his jumpshot. He had a small concussion. Soon after that, he was walking home, which he shouldn't have done due to his concussion, a car hit him by accident. People saw the accident called the police and the ambulance rushed to him as soon as possible".

"Oh, my God. Are you serious". "As a heart attack sweet heart". "This is crazy. Did they see the man who hit him?". "Well the car was a black 2010 Nissan Maxima". "Wait what?". "I said...". "No Doc, I heard you". "Call me if he does anything. I have to check on another paitient".

The doctor left, but I got upset. That 2010 Nissan was Tre's! That's his car. So, he must have done this on purpose. I sat down in the chair for a few more hours and started really thinking. Soon, I got up and went to Tre's house. Yeah, it was him.

He opened the door and I immeadiatly started hitting him. "You bitch! What the fuck is your problem". "Hey, stop hitting me. Zee, what's wrong". After a few minutes I stopped. I was tired. See, this is why I don't fight. 

"Tre, you ran over Deandre? Really? How low can you be?". "What? Zee, I didn't do that". "Yes you did, people witnessed everything. C'mon now Tre. Is yall beef that deep?". "Zee, you have to listen to the words that are coming out of my mouth. I swear I did not hit that boy". "If you didn't then who did?".

I was silent after that. It was his car, but wasn't him. Who could it have been then. I believe he's lying, but then again, what if he isn't. He's lied to me so much that I have no idea what to think anymore. "Look, Tre. Can you just be honest with me for once in your life". "Ok, I'm telling you the truth. I did not hit Deandre with my car. I was here the whole time".

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