Chapter 8: Frenemies

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2 weeks, 14 days, 336 hours, 20,160 minutes, 1,209,600 seconds and counting. That's how long I've gone without talking to Tre. It's funny how you think you know a person and they turn out to be the exact opposite. That's fucked up. You really fall or someone thinking they are who they say they are and then all of a sudden they're no where near who they say they are. But what are we to do? Especially when you love that person. It's crazy.

I've gotten texts and phone calls but I'm not trying to hear it. You know everything about Devyn's coke problem and what she said she'll do to me yet you're gonna do it to. Then lie about it? The pain I'm feeling about all of this is unbearable. I feel betrayed.

I stayed at my old house, the one I was living in with Angela. It had endless caution tape around it. I've been sleeping on the floor there since they took all the furniture out. I tried calling Ken but she seems like she doesn't want to talk to me ever again. I'm officially alone. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. What do I do?

I can't go to my brother's house because he basically kicked me out. No one knows where I am, and I think I'll keep it that way. The bad thing about this is that school starts in less than three weeks. I have to get things situated before then. 

A couple minutes after Tre called, Ty called. I was skeptical at first trying to decide if I should pick it up or not. I answered to see what was up. "Hello?". "Zee! Thank God. Where are you?". "Why?". "No one has heard from you in weeks". "I tried calling Ken but there was no answer so. And I'm ignoring Tre, personal reasons". "Oh wow. You want me to come meet you somewhere? We can talk about it".

Maybe talking to Ty would be good for me. Or, what if Tre put him up to this? I don't know what to do, but I'm making it harder than what it needs to be. "Sure, we can meet somewhere". I told him to meet me at a pizza bistro and that we would talk sitting outside.

Surprisingly, he met me alone. No one was with him. We hugged each other and greeted of course then sat down at the table. "So, where have you been," he asked me. "Just in different places. How have you been?". "Well, Kendra dropped some news on me". "Oh she told you she was pregnant?".

"Um, no. She's pregnant? Am I the father?". "Oh, um. See I...she...". "I'm kidding. Yeah, she told me". "Oh you idiot. Had me scared for a minute". "Ha! She told me though. I was surprised but at the same time happy. Yeah I'm kind of young but at the same time I love this woman. She's been through so much and I just want to be there for her". 

"Aw, that's so sweet. I wish Tre would be more like that instead of lying to me all the time". "Yeah I mean, he cares about you though". "How do you know?". "Since you've been missing he's been blowing me and Kendra's phone up trying to find you". "Really?". 

"Yeah no lie. It's crazy". "Well, he's been hitting me up too but I've been ignoring him". "I remember when we were in the sixth grade and your boyfriend Lawrence supposedly got into a fight with your friend Dana. She told you that he hit her and you didn't allow him to explain nothing. You told him what she said, then when he tried to explain what did you tell him?".

"That I didn't want to hear it". "Exactly. And the same thing happened with your other friend Whitney. Paige told you that she was talking about you behind your back in fourth grade and when she tried to explain what did you say?".

"Nothing. I just walked away". "Yes! The point I'm trying to make is that you never let anyone explain anything to you. You just shut down and I don't know why". "I be filled up with so much hurt and anger that I feel like if this conversation contiues then it won't get anywhere". 

"Sometimes the arguments that you go through will get to more places than you think. I don't know I figured maybe you got that from your mom or something". "Actually, I never told you that story have I?".

"What story?". "How my mom really isn't my mom". "What!?". "Yeah, let me tell you everything". We spent the time talking about my life and the story about me being adopted and meeting my father and everything. Afterwards, we started talking about Tre again.

"I think you should go see him". "What? I don't know about all that". "Trust me, if you actually stay there and listen, you'll probably learn something". "I hate when you're right". "But you love me when I'm wrong". "Amen to that". "Ha! c'mon, I'll drive you". 

We left the bistro and headed over to Tre's house. Of course I had to show him how to get there. I was nervous about talking with him. What if I hear something I don't want to or find out more shit? I don't know if Ty is right about me going to see him.

I hopped out the car once we pulled up in front of his house. I looked in the window of the car to talk to Ty for a second. "Hey, thanks for...well, thanks for everything. I really needed someone to talk to". "No problem, you know I'm always here for you". "Well, thanks. And you can pull off, if everything goes well then I'll probably stay here tonight". "Alright. See you later Zee". "Bye".

He drove off and now it's time to face my fears. I walked up to his house very slowly and quietly. I was really trying to hear anything out of the ordinary, but there was nothing. I knocked on the door the first time and no one responded. The second time I knocked, no one answered.

By the time I raised my hand to knock for the third time, the door opened. It wasn't him, but a woman. She had on one of his shirts that came to her knees. She didn't have on any pants and I was upset. Not only was it just a woman...It was Kendra...

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