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This story is inspired by the one and only stoplightglow
The story inspired was Keep Smiling. I used some of the plot of the story and placed it here.
I've ask for their permission before writing this book.

Party Poison groaned in exhaust after the fight with Dracs in Zone 6.

"You okay, Poison?" Jet Star asked though his space helmet. Party Poison nodded.

"Yeah, just exhausted." He replied. Jet nodded and told him to rest for a bit.

He lay down and shut his eyes. He dreamt. He dreamt about his family, dead. Shot by BL/ind in Battery City in their own home.

"Hey, I'm back." He said opening the front door.

What he saw shocked him. Both of his parents dead on the cold, hard floor.

He broke down crying and that's when he realized that Mikey was gone. He searched the place as he hoped that Mikey has survived.

He couldn't find him.

Poison woke up, startled and shocked. He gasped for air as tears flowed down his face. He wipes the tears and adjusts his mask.

Poison sighed and got up. He went outside to see Jet talking to a girl.

"Hi, Scarlet." Poison said

Red Scarlet looked up at him.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" She asked

"I'm okay. What are you doing here? Is something wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"Pois, you've got a task." Jet said

"Say what now?" Poison said

"A task. Apparently it's important. Well, according to Joyful." Scarlet said handing him a file.

"Like Joyful as in Joyful Atomic?" Posion asked, taking the file from her.

She nodded. He flipped through the pages one by one and closed it immediately after reading the second page.

"Nonono. Are you crazy? I'm not going back there. It's suicide!" He said.

"You have to. Don't worry, Freaky Night and Valley Hall got it covered with your identity." Jet said

"So... You're saying I'm going back in undercover." Poison said while the two of them nodded.

"What is so important about this Frank guy anyway." He complained

"His mom was a Killjoy." She replied.

"Was?" Jet asked curiously.

"She died while getting to him. His memories were completely wiped and had been taken." She said sadly.

Poison sighed.

"Fine. I'll do it."

Scarlet smiled and nodded. She handed him another file that contains details on his undercover ego.

File on Transfer
Name: Jason Greenblatt
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Description: 5'8, black hair, pale
Associated with: Parents (deceased)
:Foster Family(alive)
Achievements: -
Reason of transfer: Foster Parents were promoted to work in Battery City from The Slums.

"I'm not dyeing my hair you know." Poison said deadpaned.

"Yes, that's why Joyful got you this." She said throwing him a wig.

He sighed and caught the black wig.

"Who's the Foster parents?" Poison asked.

"There's a Joy in Zone 4. His parents are in the Slums. He'll bust you in and out." Jet explained


"Misty Cold." Jet said while Poison nodded.

"I'll get ready. We'll leave tomorrow. Radio him for me." Poison said walking back inside.

Battery City, Better Academy_

"How are you feeling?" His roommate said as he shot up from his bed.

"I'm ok, Mikes. I just need my pills." He said as he got up.

Mikey Way nodded and handed him his pills.

"Frank, better hurry. Class is starting." Mikey said while Frank nodded.

Both of them got dressed, grabbed their pills and went to breakfast.

After some time, they reached the cafeteria and they put their pills on the tray provided. They smiled and got their food.

"Yesterday's news, The Killjoys have killed 4 of the Dracs that was protecting us from them. In relation, Killjoys present were identified as Party Poison, Jet Star, Cheri Cola, Harmful Ashes and Nightly Siren. One of the Dracs have killed one of them identified as Justice Light before dying." The television rang through the cafeteria.

"Killjoys are killers. Why can't they just live normally and not killing?" Mikey complained silently not wanting to let other people know.

Frank nodded while chewing his food.

"Hey, I heard there's a transfer coming in tomorrow from The Slums." Mikey said changing the topic.

"Slums?" Frank asked double checking while Mikey nodded.

"How?" Frank asked

"Apparently his Foster parents got an promotion to work in the heart and he was automatically transferred." Mikey said chewing his food.

"Come on. We better get going. Classes are starting in 5 minutes." Frank said getting up.

Mikey nodded and stood up as well.

Both of them walked down the hallway together. But little did they knew that their lives are going to change.


This week Beta Commentary:
Leona: It's so good and you made me cry.

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