Fragile Weakness (Yuma Mukami x reader)

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Anime: Diabolik Lovers

(Y/n)'s POV

An ear piercing scream reverberated across the school's hallway. The crack of the boy's bones made me wince. Blood dripped down his face, dirtying his already untidy uniform.

Despite the pitiful state he was in, not an ounce of fear flashed through his eyes. In fact, it was almost as if an unbeatable demon had taken over his body. The boy's arrogant smirk looked twisted through his bruised cheeks.

"You hurt her one more time and next time, I'll kill you," Yuma threatened.
"Heh, I'd like to see you try," the boy replied.

Yuma punched the wall beside him, making a giant dent where his fist landed. The boy flinched. I felt myself being pulled to my feet and down the corridor.

Yuma's grip had started to hurt my arm. It was mostly due to the fact that I had a bruise forming from when the boy had beat me before. I couldn't help but wince.

The male turned around, his face one of anger but the concern concealed within his eyes could never escape me. His large hands lifted mine up as he inspected the bruises and cuts on my arms.

"How long has he been abusing you?" he asked.
"For a month..."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't think it was anything important-"
"Nothing important?! Your brother's last words were to protect you!"
"I-if...he hadn't asked you...would you have left me?"
"What nonsense are you talking about? Listen, tell me whenever someone's threatening you. No matter what threats they make, don't listen to them."
"Got it?"

I gasped when he forcefully leaned in to kiss me. He deepened the kiss, his hands locking themselves in my hair. A large blush crept onto my cheeks, my heart was pounding ferociously in my chest.

A moment later, his hand slipped around my waist and pulled me in closer. I melted into the kiss, unable to suppress my feelings for any longer.

"It's hard to believe they aren't dating," Kou exclaimed, making me push Yuma away.
"How do you still manage to get beat up by weak vampires when you're a noble?" Ruki asked, although it wasn't directed at anyone in particular.
"Do you have anything to treat her wounds?" Yuma asked.
"Not here. We need to go back home," replied Ruki.
"Ne...(Y/n)-chan...are they...painful?" Azusa asked.
"I'm fine now-"
"What if...I give myself-"
"No Azusa, don't hurt yourself."

~At home~

Completely unlike how he behaved earlier, Yuma began bandaging my arms with a gentleness akin to a soft spring breeze. I had zoned out while he did this, thinking about how he had saved me countless times before.

Why wasn't I strong enough to protect myself? What the hell happened to my body? Why was I so weak even though I came from a bloodline of nobles? Why did my brother have to die protecting me when it was all my fault?...

My eyes refocused back into reality, only to see Yuma's face surprisingly close to mine. His lips grazed my neck, the slightest peck of his fangs against my skin.

"What are you thinking about?" he whispered softly before slowly sinking his fangs into my neck.

Warm blood trickled down my neck as he continued to drink. I clutched his shirt, feeling goosebumps appear on my skin. It wasn't particularly painful...just strange.

"Let's go outside," he exclaimed with his hand extended towards me.

I took it, letting him pull me up. When we arrived at his garden, he let go of my hand and began to tend to the vegetables. I sat down on a tree stump and watched him work.

Watching him work in the gardens and seeing him care for the plants made him seem like a completely different person. The aura around him had changed significantly like the calmness inside a tornado.

Yuma's POV

As I tended to the fruit, I glanced at (Y/n). She was attracted by a bright blue butterfly, its fluttering similar to the feelings in my heart. A soft sneeze escaped her mouth as the little creature landed on her nose.

I couldn't help but smile to myself. Without warning, she looked at me and smiled the smile I had come to love. It made my heart swoon every time. No wonder the boys at school never stopped bugging her.

Feeling the small fruit between my fingers, I picked it off the bush and threw it to her. She caught the strawberry and bit into its flesh. I went over to her side and placed the basket on her lap before leaning back on my arms.

"Thank you," she said.

I just smiled as a reply. Closing my eyes, I put my hands behind my head and relaxed. There was a calming breeze passing by, making me feel sleepy.

Suddenly, I felt (Y/n) move beside me so that she was lying down. I immediately wrapped an arm around her body, afraid that she'd leave me...

"Am I too weak?"
"Are you having doubts again?"
"*sigh* Listen, I don't think you need to change and I'm pretty sure your brother would say the same. There's nothing wrong with you. I'll protect you-"
"...would you die for me?"
"No silly, I won't die. I'd rather live for you."
"Thank's going to rain. I can sense it."
"Well, your weather predictions are never off. I guess we should head inside."

Just as we stood up, a figure flew past and held (Y/n) in their grasp. A silver knife was pressed against her throat. Before I got the chance to go to her, two vampires held me down and pushed me into a kneeling position.

"Who the hell are you?! Release her!"

His hood fell off, revealing the nasty smirk on his arrogantly ugly face. I cursed under my breath, hoping desperately that he would spare her.

"You made a fool of me this morning, all because of this weak vampire girl. I think killing her will save us the trouble of fighting, don't you think?"
"Let her go! It's not her fault!"
"Oh, but I loved her and she never accepted my feelings...because she loves you."
"So what? You can't force her to love you!"

Blood appeared on the knife. (Y/n) winced, her small hands trying to pry his arm away. I pulled, trying to free myself but it was futile. The knife pressed deeper, making me try harder.

"No! Please! Let her go! I beat you up! Kill me instead! Not her!"
"Why? If she's gone then we wouldn't be fighting anymore."
"Y-Yuma," (Y/n) exclaimed, fear etched into her words.
"Thank you for everything-"

He smiled insanely before moving his hand. The knife slit her throat.


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