Innocent Modifications (Raizel x reader)

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Webtoon: Noblesse
Requested by: @Polli2123

(Y/n)'s POV

"Thank you so much for saving my life. I'll do whatever it takes to repay you."
"Then all I'll ask is for you to live without fearing or regretting," replied the Noblesse.
"...thank you for your hospitality, Mr Rai. I'll be taking my leave now."
"Why not stay here?" M21 asked.
"You guys have already done so much for me. I can't possibly ask-"
"All we did was save you from the Union and their corrupted experiments. You most likely don't have a place to stay nor know of how society functions. I'll let you stay but in return, you'll work as a guard at my school and for my master," said the man known as Frankenstein.

I immediately knelt on one knee, a fist placed over my heart yet my action of compliance was met with kind laughter and gentle smiles. Noticing my surprise, Tao began to explain how I had no 'master' now and such acts were considered to only be apparent in plays and movies.

Blushing a dark shade of red, I muttered a quiet apology for my lack of knowledge. Sensing my embarrassment, Rai placed a hand on my head and flashed a small yet warm smile.

"Well, why don't you four get to work now? Master has to attend class," exclaimed Frankenstein.

I quickly bowed towards Rai and Frankenstein before rushing after the three securities guards, all modified humans and test subjects...just like me. Tao headed to the security room while I followed M21 and Takeo outside, where we began our daily patrol.

Whilst walking nonchalantly through the gardens by myself, I noticed Rai's figure through a window on the second floor. He turned his head and met my curious gaze.

Four other students gathered around him, all with happy smiles on their faces. Once they noticed me in the garden, all four flashed kind grins and waved. Feeling a strange sense of warmth spread throughout my chest, I waved back.

"Those are his friends," Takeo exclaimed.
"How nice it must be to have such kind students as your friends..."
"I'm sure you'll make some in no time. You're a pretty nice kid."
"K-kid? I'll have you know that I am older than the students at this school."
"Then what? You're a grandma," joked M21.
"Excuse me? I'm sorry, I don't speak trash."
"For someone so unused to society, you sure have a feisty mouth," commented Takeo.
"A necessary skill for survival."
"Not in this world it isn't."

The bell rang interrupted our conversation, signalling the start of the second period. However, we all sensed a certain presence in our vicinity.

Creating a rip in space, I jumped through and out in another area, pelting my shurikens into the enemy's blindspot. The man, a.k.a. Yuri, dodged my weapons with an almost inhuman precognitive ability.

"I see you've gotten much better with your space warping," he exclaimed.
"What are you doing here, Yuri?"
"To take you back of course."
"Like hell we'll let you!" M21 yelled.

Yuri threw my shurikens back at me, yet I wasted no time using my ability to reflect the attack. He was suddenly behind me within a flash, a knife already stabbed into my side.

Collapsing to my knees, I aimed ten darts at the blonde male with only three hitting their target. His pretentiously kind eyes changed into a ferociously angry gaze within no time at all.

Suddenly, the Noblesse appeared before me, his stature shielding me from Yuri's uncontrollable fury. I nimbly stood up, clutching my wound with both hands.

"Mr Rai...I can handle this."
"You certainly are a stubborn girl," he commented softly, although there was no malice behind his words.

Rai's POV

(Y/n) has only just gotten her freedom...and this man was trying to steal that away from her. He did not deserve forgiveness nor could I allow (Y/n) to fight in her condition.

As much as she deserved to deliver the final blow to the man who had stripped her of her identity and her rights, I could not allow her to die. Holding out a hand, I activated my power, my wings shielding the young girl from seeing the cruel sight before us.

Blood surrounded him, his crazed look hinting towards his unwillingness to give up. With one final command, I broke his limbs yet did not kill him for he needed to experience hopelessness.

Blood dripped down my eye but I couldn't care less about my condition. I heard a sound behind me, realising with dread that it was (Y/n). She had collapsed from pain and blood loss.

Frankenstein picked her up, giving me a brief nod. I unconsciously sighed in relief after seeing the certainty that she would survive reflected in his eyes.

~Some time later~

Staying down in Frankenstein's laboratory, I watched the (h/c) hair-coloured girl as her chest rose and fell in sync with her soft breathing.

I had not seen an innocence as bright as her own nor someone as true to their heart. She was beautiful in such a way and the first human girl to have captured my attention in my prolonged period of living.

"Are you feeling alright?"

She sat up, wincing slightly. I gently pushed her back down, her eyes never leaving my own. She managed a small smile that shone as bright as the millions of stars in the night sky.

Her smile was not like the sun, it was more like the moon. Gentle and sweet, mysterious and calming. I found myself returning her smile with a kiss on her knuckles, my lips barely touching her skin.

"Rest some more. Frankenstein has said that you would need at least a day's rest, even with your regenerative abilities. The knife was dipped in a weak poison."
"Thank you for helping, Mr Rai."
"It was my pleasure."
"He won't be coming back...right?"
"He will most likely stay away for now so you needn't worry so much."
"Thank you..."

I watched as she once again fell into a deep sleep. Letting go of her warm hand, I headed towards the elevator. She would be safe here. I would not let her stay in harm's way. Taking one glance back at her sleeping figure, I headed up.

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