Love Letters

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Luna Loud took a deep breath as she walked towards the locker. She quickly slipped the letter through the small slot on the top and ran away before anyone saw her. Sweat dripped off her forehead, and she kept running until she was out in the parking lot. Lori, her oldest sister, honked the horn, and Luna hopped in the front seat of the van.

"Why are you sweating?" Lori asked her sister?

"I...gave..." Luna caught her breath before she continued with her story. "I gave the letter to Sam. Well technically, I put the letter in her locker and didn't sign it, but I still gave it to her."

Lori rolled her eyes as she turned on the car. They started to drive out of the parking lot when they both noticed Sam standing by herself. Lori stopped the car as Luna rolled down the window.

"Hey, Sam! Are you okay?" Luna asked.

"Yeah! My mom is just going to be later than normal." Sam replied back with a slight blush on her face. 

"Well...we could give you a ride, and then you could come over and hang for a little bit. I mean if you wanted to!" Luna said blushing. She tried to not make direct eye contact with Sam.

"I'd love to!" Sam exclaimed as she got in the backseat of the van.

After a few minutes of silence, the group arrived at the Loud residence. Lori rushed inside as Luna helped Sam carry her stuff into the house. Luna opened the front door and saw her siblings running around like wild animals. She instinctively grabbed Sam's hand and pulled her upstairs to her room. Sam smiled at Luna when they both realized that they were holding hands.

"Uh, sorry dude." 

"It's cool, Luna," Sam said as she sat on the beanbag chair near the wall. Her body sank into the purple fabric, and her eyes stared at the short brunette who picked up her guitar to start to play. Sam loved to listen to Luna sing, and she could not help but fall more in love with her each time they hung out.

Luna bit her lower lip as she tried not to stare at Sam. Her blonde hair with a teal streak made Luna's heart beat faster than anything on the planet. "I just want to kiss her," Luna thought to herself. She strummed her guitar as Sam closed her eyes to listen to the melody. 

After about twenty minutes of silence, Sam sat up and pulled out the letter. "You know," Sam started to say, "I got a love letter today in my locker." She looked up and noticed Luna blushing, and Sam hoped more than ever that the letter was from her. "I wish the person signed it though," Sam said.

"Maybe they were too scared to tell you, brah," Luna replied, still blushing and diverting her eyes away from Sam.

"No one should be scared to tell me how they feel. I wouldn't judge anyone, and I really mean anyone," Sam said as she stood up and walked over to Luna. Sam looked at Luna, whose face was redder than Lana's hat. Luna glanced up at Sam, and finally realized how close their faces were together. Sam glanced down at Luna's lips.

"Sam I--" Luna started to say before the door was slammed open by Lynn. A soccer ball flew from the ground and Sam blocked the ball before it hit Luna directly in the face. 

"Nice stop, Sam!" Lynn yelled as she ran to get her ball.

"Nice kick, Lynn, but next time be more careful. You don't want to hit your beautiful sister in the face. How about later you and I go outside and practice before the sun sets? That way you won't hurt anyone." Sam said as she picked up the ball for Lynn.

"Thanks, Sam!" Lynn said before running back into the hall to attack another victim. 

Sam turned to look at Luna who was only blushing harder. "You think I'm beautiful?" Luna asked.

"Oh, um, yeah..." Sam mumbled. She ran her fingers through her blonde hair while trying to not look at Luna.

Neither of them said a word for a few minutes, and Sam swayed back and forth trying to make the silence less awkward. The wind howled outside the window, and screams of different children could be heard from the hall. The Loud house was exactly what their name said--LOUD. 

Finally, Luna broke the silence. "Sam, about that letter--"

A loud crash interrupted Luna as the door swung open once again. Luan stood with her mouth open and pointed out into the hall. The two girls ran to see what the commotion was about and saw Lisa walking out of her room with smoke trailing behind her.

"It's okay, everyone! Only an sm-m-mall ex-x-plos-sion!" Lisa stuttered. She walked back into the room and slammed the door.

Luan coughed and tried to wipe her eyes. "I don't even have a joke for her!" Luan looked at the two girls in the room, and a devilish smiled appeared on her face. "I think I'll leave you two alone." Luan shut the door and ran to tell Lincoln about Luna and Sam.

"Sometimes I forgot how wild your house is," Sam said while rubbing the back of her neck. Luna stared at the ground, and Sam placed her hand under her chin. "Are you okay, Luna?"

Luna turned away from Sam and picked up her axe. Sam followed her and took the guitar out of her hands. "You can tell me what's wrong," Sam said as she placed the guitar on the ground.

Luna grabbed Sam's hand and took a deep breath. "I'm just going to say this quickly before something happens again. Sam I--".

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