Save the Last Dance for Me

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hey guys!!

Thanks for almost 700 views!!

Sorry for the short chapter!! My next chapter will be longer!!! Hope you guys are enjoying the story!!



I woke to the sound of my phone ringing and rolled over to see who was bothering me this early on a Saturday morning. My phone lit up and I saw the only name I wanted to see.

Luna Loud.

I sat up in bed and answered my phone. "Hey, Lunes, what's up?"

"I hate to call you this early in the morning, but I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me?"

"I'd love to, I'll be over in like five minutes," I told her. We said our goodbyes and I quickly changed into some different clothes.

The cool air brushed my face as I lightly jogged over to the Loud house. Everyone seemed to be sleeping when I arrived, so I didn't ring the doorbell. Luckily Luna was waiting for me on the porch. I walked up to her and gave her a quick kiss. She blushed at the sudden contact, but kissed me back.

"I didn't think you were a morning person," I said.

"I'm not, dude, but I really needed to talk to you," she said.

I felt my stomach drop. She wanted to talk to me? My palms started sweating and I stared at the ground.

Luna noticed my behavior and grabbed my hands. She kissed me cheek.

"I promise that it isn't bad," she whispered.

I smiled and we walked off the porch towards the park nearby. I'm glad I brought my jacket because it was pretty chilly for a morning in April. Luna wrapped her arms around herself and I couldn't help but laugh. She was such a dork.

I took off my coat and gave it to her. She happily put it on and I ignored the cold air because all I could focus on was Luna.

How did I ever get so lucky?

We arrived at the park and Luna found us a bench near the lake to sit on. I wrapped my arm around her. She leaned against my shoulder and smiled.

"Sam," Luna began, "I need to ask you something."

"What's up, Lunes?"

"Well the spring formal is coming up and I was maybe wondering if you..." Luna trailed off.

"Wanted to go with you?" I finished her thought.

Luna nodded her head and I laughed.

"You were nervous to ask me to the dance? Why? I'm all yours," I said as I kissed her forehead.

Luna lightly hit my shoulder and laughed. I grabbed her hand and we strolled around the park admiring the beautiful morning. She made my heart beat so fast still.

"I love her," I thought to myself.

I turned to her and kissed the top of her head.

After an hour, I walked her back to her house. She kissed me once more before heading inside. I waved goodbye to her and turned to walk back home.

When I took my final step off the porch, I was tackled to the ground by Lynn.

"Hey, Sam!" She yelled. She hopped off me and helped me off the ground.

"Hey, LJ," I said wiping the dirt off my pants.

"I was just going to see if you wanted to practice some lacrosse with me today?" She asked.

"Sure! I'll come back over after lunch," I replied. She jumped up excitedly and raced inside to tell her mom.

I chuckled and headed back to my house. I started to think of what I was going to wear to the dance. I needed that night to be perfect for Luna and me.

Two weeks felt way too long to me.

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