A Sunday Morning Kind of Love

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Around eleven, my grandmother yawned and told me she was heading to bed. I locked up the front door for her and headed upstairs to my room. Luna was still sleeping, and I crawled into bed next to her. She rolled over, and I realized that she was awake.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I said.

"It's okay, I actually woke up and was waiting for you to come to bed," she said to me. She moved her body closer to mine, and I wrapped my arm around her. She rested her head against my chest. She fell asleep quickly again, but I stayed awake for a moment to hear the rain outside and the sound of her breathing. The night was perfect and I didn't know why I was even nervous in the first place.


When I woke up, I discovered Sam was no longer asleep next to me. I sat up and looked around the room to see if she was at the bay window. The room was large and open, but I still did not see Sam anywhere. I pulled out my phone to check the time and saw that is was almost nine in the morning. 

I heard someone coming up the stairs, so I fixed my hair a little. The person knocked three times before opening the door, and to my surprise, it wasn't Sam.

"Good morning, honey," Sam's grandmother said to me while holding my clothes from last night. She set them on the dresser near the window, and I thanked her for washing my wet clothes.

"No problem, Luna. That storm hit us out of nowhere last night. I just finished making breakfast if you want to get dressed and meet me downstairs," she told me. I nodded my head and thanked her once more.

She shut the door, and I took off my pajamas. I slipped on my underwear, jeans, bra, and socks, but I held onto my sweatshirt. I already missed being in Sam's pajamas, so I walked over to her closet to see if she had any sweatshirts. I found a light gray lacrosse sweatshirt and slipped it over my head. I grabbed my phone and purple sweatshirt and walked downstairs for breakfast. I placed my sweatshirt near Sam's keys so I wouldn't forget it when we left.

I sat down at the table and noticed that Sam was not in the kitchen either. "Mrs...," I paused for a moment because I realized Sam never told me her name.

"Call me Debbie, honey," she said with a grin on her face.

"Debbie, do you know where Sam is?" I asked as I took a bite of a warm, blueberry muffin.

"Oh, she's out working on the barn with the horses right now. She's just checking to make sure the storm didn't break anything. She asked me to tell you once you are done eating to meet her out there. She has a surprise for you," Debbie said.

I smiled and ate my breakfast as Debbie told me different stories of her past. Sam's grandmother lived such an extraordinary life, and I finally understood why Sam came out here almost every weekend. This place is like a small vacation from the real world, and plus there's homemade food for every meal. 

I picked up my plate and rinsed it off in the sink. Her grandmother followed me and took the plate from me to place it in the dishwasher.

"By the way," she said to me, "Sam left you a pair of boots by the back door. I would slip those on before you head out. It's pretty muddy out there."

I walked to the back door, slipped on the boots, and headed out towards the barn. The front of the barn was open, so I walked in to find Sam taking care of a large, brown horse. She was combing the mane as I strolled up next to her. She turned to face me, and after she noticed what I was wearing, she had a large smile on her face.

"Is that my sweatshirt?" she asked me.

"Yeah...," I said shyly realizing I never asked her to borrow it.

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