First Date

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"Luna Loud, can I take you on a date tomorrow night?" she asked me.

"Anywhere specific?" I asked.

"It will be a surprise," she said as she kissed me once more. "Don't worry, I'm done running."

I got into the passenger seat, and Lori drove pulled out of the driveway. I waved goodbye to Sam, who eagerly waved back. The streetlights were on, and I rested my head against the window. I was in love with Sam Sharp, and I wanted to shout it out to the whole world.


I don't get nervous very often, but as I threw on my jacket and picked up my car keys, I realized just how scared I was for my date with Luna. I still could not believe that she liked me back, and I almost texted her to double check that she meant to kiss me. My mother laughed at my wild antics as I ran around the house trying to hype myself up for the night. My hands were sweaty, and I had to put on more deodorant because I started to smell. Before I left to pick up Luna I changed my shirt and jacket because my shirt was drenched with my sweat.

I hopped in my car and took a deep breath to try to relax. I hung out with Luna many times before, but tonight was different. She wasn't just a friend, she was my date. I kissed her last night, and I hoped that I would be able to kiss her again. I started to pull out of the driveway before I realized I left the flowers on the counter. Luckily my mother was already running out with the sunflowers in her hand.

I turned on some music hoping to calm myself down. I enjoyed living close to Luna, but that meant I had less time to prepare myself for our date. I drove up to her house and parked the car. The yard was littered with toys and sports gear, and I smiled as Charles, their dog, ran up to greet me. I carefully walked up the stairs to the front door and rang the doorbell. I heard what sounded like millions of footsteps come charging toward the door, and I instinctively took a step back.

The door swung open and ten Loud siblings all stared directly at me. I definitely started to sweat more. Mrs. Loud pushed past the crowd and invited me inside the house. The group made a small path for me, and I squeezed past the siblings. I followed her mom to the couch, and we both sat down.

"Those flowers are beautiful," remarked Mrs. Loud. 

"We grew them ourselves. I remembered how Luna said she loved sunflowers, so I thought they would be a good flower to bring over to her." Her sisters all screamed at my comment. I wondered if this is how the family would act every time I came over.

I began to focus on the plan for the evening when I heard someone descending the stairs. I turned around and saw Luna wearing jeans and a purple sweatshirt. I swore she never looked so beautiful to me before. I stood up and walked over to her with the flowers out towards her.

"I--I--I brought these for y--y--you," I stuttered. Her family snickered at my stuttering, but Luna happily took the flowers and took them to the kitchen. She found a vase under the sink and placed the flowers in it. She filled up the vase with water and set the flowers on the dining table. She reached for my hand, and we walked towards the front door.

Her mom stopped us before we left, and told her to have fun and text her when she was on her way home. Luna kissed her mother on the cheek, and I opened the door for us. We walked down the steps towards my car, and I opened the passenger side for her.

"I see you got your car back," she said as she slid into the seat.

"I know, and they even cleaned it for me while they fixed it," I replied. She laughed at my comment, and I felt relaxed with her again. I turned on the car and started to drive to our destination.

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