Can't Help Falling in Love

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Luna turned away from Sam and picked up her axe. Sam followed her and took the guitar out of her hands. "You can tell me what's wrong," Sam said as she placed the guitar on the ground.

Luna grabbed Sam's hand and took a deep breath. "I'm just going to say this quickly before something happens again. Sam I--".


"Yes, Luna. Please say you wrote the letter," I thought to myself. Sam bit her lip and reached out to hold Luna's hand. 

"I--I really like your jacket," Luna said sounding disappointed. I held onto her hand and sighed softly. She was the beautiful girl in the world, and I wanted her to say she loved me too. I wanted the letter to be from her, but I had no way of knowing the truth. I couldn't lose her as a friend.

"Thanks," I replied. Her hand fit perfectly in mine, and I wanted to stay like that forever. However, her family had other plans as Luan burst through the door again to tell us dinner was ready. At first, I didn't hear her because I could only look at Luna. Luan shouted at both of us again, and our trances were broken. Luna realized she still was holding my hand, and quickly let go. She rushed out of the room as I picked up my phone to follow her downstairs towards the dining room

I loved having a meal with the Louds. Each family member always had a wild story to tell at the dining table, and they loved to hear me tell a story about my own life. I sat down to the right of Luna, and Lynn eagerly raced to sit next to me.

"Hey, Sam, after we eat we should go outside and play before it gets too dark," Lynn whispered to me hoping none of her other siblings would hear her. I glanced over at Luna expecting her to interject, but she quietly chewed on her piece of garlic bread. 

"That sounds great," I said to Lynn. I loved music, but I also was pretty athletic for my age. I played varsity basketball and lacrosse, but I loved to play any sport with Lynn. She was a natural competitor, and some days she would easily beat me. The best days consisted of me only going home with only a bruise or two.

Luna didn't say a word to me for a few minutes. I lightly brushed my hand against her hand, which caused her to look at me. "Are you okay?" I whispered softly to her. She nodded her head, and I went back to my own meal.

"Sam, I saw your awesome shot the other day on the news. What's your guys' record now?" Mr. Loud asked me while chomping on his lasagna. 

"Thank you, Mr. Loud. We are 5-0, and this weekend we play Bennington Beavers, so hopefully, we can get another win." I smiled at him and glanced over at Luna, hoping maybe she would finally look at me.

The rest of the family drifted off into their own personal conversations, so I tried once again to talk to Luna.

"Thank you for inviting me over, Lunes," I said to her. She simply muttered a few words, and I realized she was not going to talk to me. I didn't know what I did, but all I knew was I hated having her not talk to me. 

Everyone finished eating, and I carried my plate and Luna's to the kitchen. Mrs. Loud followed behind me, and I rinsed off both of the plates.

"Oh, Sam! You know you don't have to do that," she said.

"I know, Mrs. Loud, but it's the least I could do for having me over for dinner." She smiled at me and patted my back.

"Lune is very lucky to have you in her life," she told me as she started washing the dishes. I glanced into the other room and felt a smile appear on my face.

"I'm the lucky one. Your daughter is amazing," I blurted out before realizing what I said. "I mean she's amazing at a lot of things like music and singing," I said while blushing. Mrs. Loud laughed to herself, and I excused myself hoping to avoid an anymore awkward conversation. I walked over to Luna, but Lynn stepped in my path and pulled me out the front door.

Lynn pointed me over to the goal, and she took a big kick in my direction. I easily blocked the ball, but I still could not focus. I saw Luna through the window, and I hoped she would come outside. Lynn caught me staring at her sister, and gently kicked the ball towards me.

"Are you okay, Sam?" she asked.

I quickly tried to focus on Lynn and the ball. "Yeah, sorry kid. I'm just a little distracted."

She picked up the ball and walked over to me. "You like her, don't you?" Lynn questioned. Maybe I was too distracted, or maybe I just wanted to tell someone how I really felt, but I nodded my head.

Lynn hugged me, and I hugged her back. "You're one of the coolest people I know. You shouldn't be scared to tell my sister how you feel."

"I wish it was that easy, LJ." Lynn went behind me and pushed me towards the front door.

"You should be with my sister, not me," she said while pushing me up the stairs. I opened the front door and saw Luna sitting on the couch with the rest of her siblings. For once, none of them said a word as I tried to find Luna in the sea of children. She sat on the edge of the couch, and I strolled over to her with my hand out. 

"Can I talk to you, Lunes?" I asked. She blushed and stood up. We walked back outside and stood on her porch. She leaned against the railing with her eyes toward the ground. The sun started to set, and soon I would have to head home. The wind picked up, and Luna wrapped her arms around her body. I quickly took off my jacket and draped it over her shoulders.

"You're going to get cold," she said, finally speaking to me.

"Well, you're the one who likes my jacket so much," I said while laughing. She looked down again, and I wished I didn't make that comment. "Plus, I don't get cold easily. I mainly just wear the jacket because it looks cool."

I rested my hands on the railing and looked out into the street. A few lights were on, but other than the sound of bugs, the world was silent. I inched my hand over and placed it on top of Luna's hand. For a second, she flinched like she was going to pull away, but she kept her hand there. Our eyes met, and for a moment, I felt like we were the only two people in the world.

"Lunes, did I do something to upset you? You didn't talk to me all through dinner." I said while rubbing her hand with my thumb.

"You didn't do anything, Sam. I'm sorry that I was so quiet tonight. I think I'm just really tired."

"Luna Loud tired? I didn't think that was possible!" I said jokingly, but she still did not laugh. 

So, as the sun continued to set, we both stood in silence as listened to the music of the world around us. I thought I was upset because I just wanted to know the truth about the letter, but I only felt content with the situation. I still didn't know who sent the letter, but it didn't matter to me. I was in love with Luna Loud, and she was the only person on this Earth that I wanted to be with. 

I squeezed her hand, and she looked up at me once more. I smirked at her, and she blushed again. Nerves shot throughout my whole body, but I still felt calm with her. I let go of her hand and took a deep breath. In a world of chaos and mayhem, I finally found my perfect moment. 

I grabbed Luna's face and kissed her soft lips. I melted into the kiss and realized that it was the best kiss I had ever experienced. After about five seconds, I dropped my hands and took a step back. She stood there speechless, and I did the only thing I could think of right at that moment--I ran.

I sprinted off the porch leaving my backpack at her house and ran all the way home with the widest smile on my face. 

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