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Hey guys! Sorry this part has taken me so long to write! I have been working on other things, but I'm back!! Sorry if it's rough!!!

I just want to give a little shout out to JakeCWales! They are an awesome writer with a Luna and Sam fanfiction! The story is amazing, and each part only makes you love the story more and more. Please check them out!!! :)

I leaned up and kissed her lips. "I had the best time of my life," I replied. She kissed me once more, before walking off the porch and getting into her car. I watched her drive away and then opened the front door. My siblings all sat in the family room watching the Dream Boat on the television.

When they noticed who walked into their house, they jumped up and began asking me a million questions. I rolled my eyes and started to walk upstairs. "I'll tell you at dinner, but right now I just want to go relax in my room," I said as I reached the top of the stairs.

I shut my door and climbed up to the top bunk. I pulled out my phone and stared at a picture of Sam I took last night. She looked so beautiful, and I already missed her. I turned off my phone and closed my eyes. That afternoon as I slept, I only dreamt of Sam.


On Monday morning, I woke up to the sound of bacon cooking on the stove, and my mom singing along to some old show tunes. My brother Simon burst through my bedroom door with a letter in his hand with my name on it.

"Sam! A mysterious letter was on our door this morning," he practically yelled as he jumped up and down.

"Well give it to me then." He handed me the letter, and I carefully opened the white envelope. Inside was a handwritten note similar to the one I received last week. I saw Luna's sloppy signature at the bottom, and I smiled to myself. I knew it was her that sent the first one.

I pinned the letter to my corkboard above my bed and shoved Simon out of my room so that I could get ready for school. My lacrosse jersey hung in my closet, and I grabbed it to put in my bag for the game tonight. Tonight I was hoping to get my hundredth goal, which was an impressive feat for only a sophomore. I texted Luna to remind her of the game because I need her there tonight. She was my good luck charm.

Tonight's game would be different though because Luna was not just a friend in the crowd--she's my girlfriend. Luna Loud is my girlfriend. I thought I'd never get to say those words, but I felt amazing knowing that she was all mine.

I grabbed my backpack and lacrosse bag off the ground. Before I headed downstairs, I grabbed the letter Luna sent and slipped into my lacrosse bag. I could use all the good luck I could get.

I rushed into the kitchen, grabbed some good, and walked out to my car. I wanted to leave a little early to go over to Luna's house and surprise her.

I pulled my car next to her house and walked up the front porch. Lynn swung open the door and hugged me.

"Are you ready for your game tonight?" she asked.

"You know I am. Is Luna around?"

"Upstairs in her room," Lynn said as I walked inside her house. Every Loud was rushing around trying to get ready for school. I walked upstairs and opened the door to Luna's room. Luna turned around to see who walked in, and I guess she was still getting ready because she only had on her jeans and a bra. I quickly diverted my eyes to the ground.

"I'm so sorry," I said, "I should have knocked before I entered."

Luna walked over to me and placed her hand under my chin. She kissed me slowly, as I shut the door with my foot. She ran her hands through my hair as I placed my hands on her waist. Her body shook slightly as my hands touched her bare skin. She pulled away with a devilish grin on her face.

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