Teenager in Love

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I grabbed Luna's face and kissed her soft lips. I melted into the kiss and realized that it was the best kiss I had ever experienced. After about five seconds, I dropped my hands and took a step back. She stood there speechless, and I did the only thing I could think of right at that moment--I ran.

I sprinted off the porch leaving my backpack at her house and ran all the way home with the widest smile on my face.


Before I had a chance to process what just happened, a wave of siblings came crashing through the front door and surrounded me. They were screaming and yelling, but all I saw was the blonde beauty literally running away from my house. I started to go after her, but my sisters and Lincoln formed a barrier around me.

"That was literally the cutest thing ever," Lori said as she hugged me. I still stood there speechless as my other sisters started making comments about Sam and me.

"Sam and you are perfect for each other!" Leni yelled.

"Sam is an amazing athlete," Lynn mentioned.

"She knows a lot about cars, so of course she's perfect," Lana noted.

I still watched her fade from view, before finally looking at my sisters. "Do you think she likes me?" I asked. They all immediately started yelling yes at me and smiled from ear to ear. I remembered I still had on her jacket, which caused my sisters to start with the yelling and screaming again.

We walked inside, and they motioned for me to sit on the couch. I reluctantly sat down and awaited the millions of questions they were going to ask me.

"I think the first question to ask is was the kiss good?" Lori asked. My siblings all stared at me, and I felt slightly embarrassed. However, I started thinking about the kiss again which caused me to blush.

"It was the best kiss of my life, dudes," I said as they once again all screamed. I couldn't stop thinking about how soft her lips were, and the way she held my face. She was so strong, yet so gentle with me. I wanted to kiss her again, but all she wanted to do was run away.

"Do you think I was a bad kisser? She ran away right after the kiss and even left all of her stuff here." I said to my siblings.

"No way! She was blushing and smiling as she sprinted off our porch," Lola replied.

"Did you see how fast she ran? She's such a beast!" exclaimed Lynn. Everyone rolled their eyes at that comment, but Luna still had a wide smile on her face.

"Should I text her?" I asked.

"You should call her or talk to her in person. Right now she has no idea if you like her or not," Lori said while she was texting Bobby about what just happened.

I nodded my head and put on Sam's jacket. I sniffed the collar and realized it smelled just like her. I couldn't help but sniff the jacket again. I grabbed her backpack and asked Lori if she could drive me over to Sam's house. I only allowed Lori to go because she was the only one who could drive.

I hopped in the front seat, and we drove over to Sam's house. Luckily she lived nearby, but I still felt bad for that she had to run home. Lori pulled the van into the driveway, and I got out with a backpack in my hand. I saw Sam sitting on her porch with a basketball in her hand. She spun the ball around and looked up to see me staring at her.

"You're really good at spinning a basketball," I said trying to make conversation.

She laughed at my comment and started to walk over towards me. "I've been practicing it my whole life," she said sarcastically. We stood about a foot apart, and I started to notice the small details about Sam. She swayed slightly when she was nervous, and her hair kept falling in front of her face. Sam was the kid in school no one messed with, but right now she seemed so nervous and not her usual self.

"You left your backpack at my house," I finally managed to say.

"Yeah, sorry about running away. I really don't know why I did that. I think I was just scared to see your reaction."

"Sam Sharp scared? I didn't think that was possible," I said as she started to laugh.

"I guess the right person would make anyone a fool," she replied. I placed the backpack on the ground and reached out to hold her hand. My hand fit perfectly in hers, and she smiled at me. I took a deep breath and kissed her. I could feel her smile, which caused me to smile. I pulled away, and she looked at me the way every girl wants to be looked at. She had the same look I was giving her.

"I guess that means you like me too," Sam said as she rubbed my hand with her thumb.

"I mean, it's kind of difficult to not fall for THE Sam Sharp."

"Are you serious? I don't know why everyone doesn't fall for you. You're the most amazing girl I have ever met," she said. I blushed at her remark and noticed the sun had completely gone down.

"You're too sweet, Sam, but sadly I should get home before my parents get worried." She nodded her head and walked me back to the van.

"Luna Loud, can I take you on a date tomorrow night?" she asked me.

"Anywhere specific?" I asked.

"It will be a surprise," she said as she kissed me once more. "Don't worry, I'm done running."

I got into the passenger seat, and Lori drove pulled out of the driveway. I waved goodbye to Sam, who eagerly waved back. The streetlights were on, and I rested my head against the window. I was in love with Sam Sharp, and I wanted to shout it out to the whole world.

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