Chapter 2 Messages

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Jungkook's P.O.V
I threw myself on the bed. I grunt in pain at my stomach because of the fight I had. I can't believe that rude girl just left me there. What was her name again?, Lisa?
I then got a notification


Yes?, what do you need

You know that girl from this morning

How can I forget

I found her Instagram

I shot up from my bed and had a smirk on my face

What's her username?


Thanks hyung

Once I stopped texting Taehyung and went to go to her page. I found her and scrolled through her page.

Wow she's very photogenic.

I was to busy scrolling threw her page that I accidentally liked a picture.


I paced back and forth in my room. I think she already saw my username Ughhh I threw my phone on the bed and mentally cried.

Lisa's P.O.V
I was laughing with my Unnies since they decided to sleep over because we don't have school tommorow.
I then get a notification

1 like from Jeon_Jungkoook

My eyes open and I shot up from my bed. No way it's the same Jungkook from this morning, right?

"What happened?" Jisoo said and I look up at them who stopped fooling around. "You guys know that guy Jungkook" I said and they all looked at me a little scared.

"Yeah why?" They all respond "he just liked one of my post" I said and they all went crazy. "LALISA IF A GUY LIKE HIM LIKES YOUR POST YOU SUDDENLY BECOME COOL!!!" Jennie screamed and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't believe that, everyone can me cool the way they want to be" I said "Lisa stop acting like a fortune cookie and get your head in the game" Chae said I rolled my eyes.

   "Ok do you know why he liked your pic__" Jisoo was cut off when my phone ringer again I look at the screen and it said

I notification from Jeon_Jungkook
J~Hi 👋

   "AHHH" They all yelled running across the room. "Chill your beans guys" I said and I went on my phone to respond but Jisoo grabbed my phone and threw it on her bed.

   "ARE YOU INSANE!!!" Jisoo yells at me. "What there's nothing wrong with answering back to him" I said going to pick up my phone.

  "Lisa if you fuck this up your screwed" Jennie said while Chae gives a worried face and Jisoo is shaking her head in Disapproval like a mother.

J~ Hi👋
L~Hey what are you texting me?
J~ Rude much
L~I didn't come here for your insults now tell me what you want before I block you
J~your really feisty
L~ you have 3 seconds
L~ 3
J~ I just wanted to say...
L~ 2
J~Thanks for helping me today asshole
L~ Your welcome shitface
J~ you know who you're talking too, right?
L~Yes and I don't care, are we done here?
J~What no
L~I'll take that as a yes Byeee

Jungkook's P.O.V
"AHHH" I yelled and threw my phone on the bed. I'm starting to get frustrated with this girl.

I notification from lalalalisa_m

L~ Oh yeah and stop texting me I don't want girls coming after me.

When she said that my anger raised I can tell she does't like me like other girls which makes her different, and I don't like that. I then get a text from Jimin.

Tiny Jimin
You know that girl from this morning

Don't remind me😒

Tiny Jimin
Did you not see the parter slip that was send to your phone?

Partner slip?

Tiny Jimin
Yeah for that trip the teacher mentioned

No I didn't see it

Tiny Jimin
Well your partnered up with her


Tiny Jimin
Nope and I partnered with one her friends named Park Chaeyoung, Jin and Kim Jisoo, Taehyung and Kim Jennie, and Jungkook and Lalisa Manoban

I'll text later I have to do something

Tiny Jimin

I tapped on Lisa so I can text her about it I don't know why I'm not close to her

Lisa's P.O.V
I was busy laughing my unnies until I got a message
One message from Jeon_jungkook

J~ Hey
L~I told you to stop before I block you
J~ wow what a nice greeting
L~ your the one to talk your first impression was you throwing my on the floor
J~ ok sorry about that
L~ ....
L~ Jeon Jungkook the schools heartthrob is saying sorry
J~ Eww DONT call me that
L~ I speak he truth also what do you want?
J~ we're partnered for the trip
L~ Ughhhh whyyyyyyy
J~ You should be grateful
L~ Why should I I'll be stuck with a jerk for two weeks
J~  you're so rude
L~ Stop your making me blush, if we're done her then byeeee

I put my phone away and face my Unnie's "What happened was it him again" Chae asked. "Yep you know the trip for the semester" I asked and they nod.

"He's my partner for two weeks at a hotel"

Hey guys I know I usually put gifs but they aren't working maybe in Chaoter 3 it'll work by then.

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