Chapter 10 Dinner

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(Just Lisa's P.O.V)
Lisa's P.O.V
   "Babe what took you so long" he said and came up and kissed my cheek.

  Jungkook came close to my ear to whisper something. "Just go along with the flow I'll explain later, just please bear with me this time" I sighed and nodded.

  "Mom this is my girlfriend" he put up a phone with FaceTime up with a lady on the screen I'm guessing is his mother. He put his arm around me

  "Hi sweetie what's your name?" She asks me with a smile, I smiled back. "I'm Lalisa Manoban But you can call me Lisa" I said and bowed my head.

  "Oh never heard of a name like that where are you from honey" she asks "From Thailand Ma'am" I said and she smiled.

  "It's getting late kids I think you should go to sleep so you can wake up early, it was nice meeting you Lisa" "You too Mrs. Jeon" I said and Jungkook hung up.

I backed away from Jungkook and walked to my bed with my eyes covered. "Are you ok is there something in your eye?" He said and pulled me back.

  "I'm fine" I said still with my eyes closed at this point I can feel him breathing on my face trying to remove my hands.

  He successfully removed them and when he did I looked down at his body and shrieked and covered my eyes again.

"Ah so that's why" he said and even though I have my eyes covered I can feel him smirking. I can then feel him whispering something in my ear.

"Don't worry I'll get change just for you babygirl" his voice was deep and raspy it made me blush and send shivers down my spine.

"D-don't call me t-that" I said and ran to my bed and hid my tomato face into the pillow. I heard him chuckling and then I hear him moving around the room which means he's getting changed, I think?.

"Hey you wanna watch a movie" I heard and I peaked threw one eye to see him fully changed. "S-sure" I said and he smirked.

"Wow is Lisa stuttering" he said and I gave him a disgusted look. "Yah do you want to watch the movie or not" I said getting up from my bed and dragging him to the couch.

Jungkook started scrolling threw movies "Want to watch the conjuring?" He says looking at me for a moment I wasn't sure but I nodded.

We we're halfway into the movie and I was starting to get scared. "If you're scared I can turn it off" he asks, and I stood up straight. "I'm not that easily scared" I said.

"Ok then what do you call a few moments ago when you were stuttering" he said and I give him the stink eye and he laughed and continued the movie.

I eventually started feeling sleepy and rest my head back and fell asleep I then feel my body being moved but didn't really care.

(The next day)

I woke up in..... my bed?. I thought I fell asleep on the couch. I look up and see JungKook already ready.

"Come on Hurry up the teacher will be mad if we get there late" he said and I snapped out of it.

I went to the bathroom and got ready as fast as I can and put on my shoes and everything Yay another day of hard work.

(Time skip to this afternoon after doing the hard work)

Me and Jungkook arrived at our room together today was exhausting I never want to see another piece of wood ever again, long story not explaining it.

I can here Jungkook on the phone talking with someone. "Babe?" I here him call me Oh I'm guessing he's talking with his mom. "Yes?" I respond.

"Do you have anything to do right now" he said. "No nothing" I said and he sighed and annoyed sigh. "Ok mom we'll be there, ok bye see you later" he says and hung up.

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