Chapter 11 Ramen

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Lisa's P.O.V
I woke up in bed this morning stretching my arms I look over at Jungkook's bed he was gone. I sigh was this because what happened yesterday at his moms house.

"Tell me Lisa do you not feel anything" he said as he was so close to my face our lips only a centimeter apart.
I want to give in the easily to whatever Jungkook is talking about. "Am I suppose to feel something" I said and he looked down and backed away. "No nothing we should get going" he said and I nodded my head as we headed back to the hotel walking.
End of Flashback

I went to my closet to choose a normal outfit for today because we have to more days and we head back home and our teacher gave us these two days free.

  I put on a black crop top with jeans, and walked downstairs.

  I was walking but when I look up I saw Jungkook talking to a girl. I quickly hid behind the closest wall so he wouldn't see me.

  "HAHAHAHA Oppa you're so funny" the girl says. That Laugh, that voice sounds so familiar. I shook the feeling off and decided to walk right past them until the girl called out my name.

  "Lisa?" She said and I slowly turned around to meet her face, when I saw her my heart broke into a million pieces.

  "You two know each other" Jungkook said I stood there not saying nothing. "yes I know her let's just say me and Lisa we're close in middle school" she said.

  Close my ass everyday I went to school her and friends will bully me. They will call me 'Boy' because of my short hair, and they will make fun of how skinny I was that sometimes they say I look a dead person.

  "Lisa Don't you remember me?" She said with a smile I just wanted to wipe off her. "N-no sorry w-who are you" I said in a weak voice not wanting to look her eyes.

  "Of course you don't know who I am... because you don't look at me and___" I cut her off. "S-Sorry but I don't know you I have things to do now" I said Bowing to her holding back the tears.

  When I turn to leave I saw Jungkook's face he looked at me with a concerned look. And just like that I ran off back to the hotel room to cry.

Jungkook's P.O.V
  Lisa ran off I never seen her so.... weak. Yeri sat back down with a satisfied smile on her face.

  "Why are you smiling all of a sudden" I ask her and  she looked at me. "I'm going to tell you a secret about Lisa you can't tell anybody" she said with a smirk.

  "Lisa wasn't the best looking person when she was younger and for that she was bullied, but I was always there to help her" she said but something about what she said didn't feel right.

  If they were friends wouldn't Lisa be happy to see her, I have to play along. "Will you look at the time I have to go get ready" I said getting up and bowing. "It was nice meeting you Oppa" she said with a smile and skipped away.

  I headed to our hotel room I opened the door slowly I hear sobs in the bathroom I put my ear to the door to Listen.

"Rosè Shes back Yeri. No need to Go see for yourself I'm fine just have a fun time with Jimin, Jungkook and I....I don't Know what to do if he's in a relationship with Yeri I don't want to ruin it with my stupid talk about my past years anyways it's nothing he'll care about anyway, ok I'm hanging up now bye" she hung up and walked out and saw me standing there.

  She looked down "I don't want to be nosy but are you perhaps in a relation___" I cut her off by pulling her into a hug.

  "Jungkook What are you___" I let go of her and looked her in the eyes. I smiled at her.

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