Chapter 13 Drunk

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(Most of this will be Jungkook's P.O.V)
Jungkook's P.O.V
We finally left the hotel I was back at home on a Saturday doing nothing I was bored as hell I then get a message.

Kookie can you come to my house later and bring Lisa along, and dress nice.

Even though I know why my mom is inviting me to her house because my brother Junghyun returned from college I decided to text Lisa

Hey Lisa Umm can you do me a favor and come to my house my mom is inviting us to her house

I wish I could but sorry I have important things to do today

That's fine

I sighed and threw myself on the bed and laid there for a while "Ughhhh it's going to be boring I wish I was back on that trip again" I said and then I thought of Lisa I wonder what she's doing. I have to get dressed Now nicely like mom said.

   I ended with this and finally settled on this outfit

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I ended with this and finally settled on this outfit. And send my mom a message saying I'm on my way

I finally made it to my moms house and knocked on the door but as I did the door was already open

Did someone brake in?

I quickly opened the door and when I did the light turned on and Junghyun my mom and my Hyungs popped out but the person that caught my eye wasn't them it was Lisa in a nice cute blue dress with her hair done and looking gorgeous.

"Hi brother" Junghyun came up to me and I hugged him it's been so long. And then I see Lisa's Unnies pop out too.

Taehyung has his arm around Jennie Jimin is Holding hands with Chae, and Jin have Jisoo a kiss on the cheek.

"No way" I said shocked and they nodded there heads "Ok why is it so quiet let's get this party started" Junghyun came in and pulled us to the kitchen with a bunch of shot glasses.

Lisa's P.O.V
Alcohol, Alcohol, Alcohol I kept repeating it but I wasn't sure I don't drink. "Well actually Lisa can't___" Rosè started but I cut her off. "Shall we drink" I said and she gave me 'are you sure look' I nodded.

I drank my first shot and it wasn't bad for my first time drinking that was until I took more and more and moreee.

Jungkook's P.O.V
We all kept laughing and drinking I only took a few shots because I still have to get home safely.

I look over at Lisa and saw her red cheeks and she was walking funny. She was going to trip I was going to go to her, but Yoongi caught her in time.

He took Lisa outside I followed behind she threw up and Suga was patting her back. I went up to them. "Wow you didn't know your girlfriend wasn't a drinker and you let her drink" he said I rolled my eyes "How was I suppose to know, and she's not my girlfriend"

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