1. i'm me

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i've spent years
trying to escape my mind,
trying to face my fears,
but i didn't know how.
i searched through fields of wildflowers
picking up flowers from large to small,
red to blue,
purple to pink;
but i still couldn't find my way out.
i climbed fences,
i trekked through forests
and i finally found what i'd been looking for.
i found happiness,
pure and simple.
i found people who light up my life
and never want to see me cry.
i've found my talents
from writing poetry
to listening to others.
i've found who i truly am,
i may not be comfortable in it yet
but i can see it
and that's all i need.
i've found what to put my heart into
and i've found the small moments
that make my whole world a little brighter.
i'm happy
and i'm content,
i'm confused
but i'm reassured.
i'm me,
i'm happy
and that the best thing i'll ever be.

in a field of wildflowersWhere stories live. Discover now