**cover me up

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Ok so I know this isn't the best painting BUT I wanted to get this out ASAP & I have SATs tomorrow so I don't really care about much else at the moment.

I really wanted to get this out though so I could tell you guys some stuff.

First of all, I love you guys so much, you seriously don't understand how much I love you all.

Second, there's been some gross behavior recently on wattpad but I would love to invite everyone to just take a deep breath and remember who you are. Because if you're happy, honestly who cares. Life is tough but so are you. SO ARE YOU.

Here's a quote I took from the internet but I liked it so I'm taking it:
Let them judge you. Let them misunderstand you. Let them gossip about you. Their opinions are not your problems. You stay kind, committed to love and free in your authenticity. No matter what they say or do, don't you doubt your worth or the beauty of your truth. Just keep shining like you always do.

SuicidalSociopath I don't know you personally but you've got an army of people, including me, who are here for you.

If you guys see any cyber bullying or plain hate on here please report them. Wattpad should be a loving, accepting, and encouraging community. We don't need hate, there's already too much of it in the world. Thanks, love you all x

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