The Lost and The Lonely

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I ran throughout the park. It wasn't large, but not tiny either. I ran onto the playground wood mulch, pretending as if it were the maze of the unknown. I held up the book in my hands: a reddish brown leather book with gold letters writing The Labyrinth.

"Why don't you want it anymore?" I asked my friend, Sarah as she handed me a book. We weren't best friends but relatively close. I don't talk to anybody so she was all I had. We both were pretty weird. "I just...thought you might like it," she said, a little bit of hesitation in her voice. "You sound unsure," I said. "Are you okay?" "(Y/N), I'm fine," Sarah replied, very firmly. I took the book from her, regardless, thanking her. Something about it held a strange place in her mind. I'm not sure what, honestly.

I looked down at the book opening to a page to rememeber something. Once done, I nodded and tucked it in my pants since I had no pockets. I stood in triumph, as if speaking to the actual goblin king.
"Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city...for my will is as strong as yours. And my kingdom is as great. Y--"
I flinched at the sound of something hitting a nearby tree.

I still couldn't believe Sarah was gone. I did all I could, but nothing worked. I held out a crystal ball between my fingers, hoping to find the placing of my book. Maybe Sarah still had it. No she didn't. It was another girl with (H/C) hair and shimmering (E/C) eyes walking innocently in a park. I just needed to see her.
Without much hesitation, I slowly formed into my white barn owl and began to fly through the realms. There she was, softly speaking to herself. I couldn't help looking at her while flying. She looks like the perfect fit for a queen. My thoughts were cut off as I looked forward and had no time to stop myself from hitting the branch of a tree.

I looked over to where the sound came from and ran to it. A barn owl rustled in the leaves in pain. Weird. It was broad daylight and there was especially no barn nearby. Maybe it was lost. It looked up at me and fluttered its wings in alarm. "Hey hey hey hey hey hey," I said, quickly. "Settle down, it's okay." It's crystal black eyes scanned me as if trying to check if I was evil. "You're not gonna fly off if I pick you up, are you?" I said, mostly to myself. Carefully, I stuck my hand under the owl and put my other arm around it, picking it up. It cooed a little and huddled against my chest, closing its eyes and relaxing. I smiled at the bird for a moment when I suddenly felt a small drop on my hand. I became alert and looked up at the sky as more droplets came down. Shoot, I thought to myself. I couldn't let the owl get wet. In fact, I was just about to check if it could still fly. I looked back at it. "I'm gonna start running, okay?" I said, mostly to myself again. I took a deep breath and started running down the street with the owl in my arms. I continued my dash as I ran all the way back to my house as the rain started coming in.
I quickly opened the door and slid my shoes off. "(Y/N), why is there an owl?" My mom asked. "All I heard was that it was flying and it hit the tree and fell. I was about to check to see if it could still fly, but the it started raining," I said. "I promise I won't keep it for long!" My mom rolled her eyes and sighed, "Fine. Until tomorrow, you can let it go." I smiled. "Thank you!"

I tool the owl to my room and emptied a wood container, setting it on my dresser. "Here," I said to it. "I won't get a cage since I'm not keeping you for long. Hope you don't mind." I carefully set the owl down and his claws grabbed onto the rim. Slowly, I took my hands off of it and it fluttered its wings, as if holding its balance. "I'll be right back." I said, running out of my room to my bathroom. I went into the closet and found a rag then ran back into my room, carefully drying the owl off. It was only a little damp but it was the best I could do. "Are you okay?" I aske the owl. "'Hoo' once for yes, twice for no." It answered me, hooing once. I laughed at the fact it understood english. My fingers traced along its soft, feathery face and it cooed a little.

"(Y/N)," I heard my mom yell to me from across the house. "Shower!" "Coming!" I yelled, getting up. I dropped the picture I was drawing on my bed and grabbed my pajamas, walking to the bathroom to shower.

I looked at the picture (Y/N) drew. It was a pencil sketch of an owl. I would smile if I didn't have a beak at this moment. I knew I had to be back at the goblin city soon, but that would upset and terrify her. I, personally, like being around her, the enthusiasm she has around me, her fascination in something so strange as an owl, her kindness, not to mention how beautiful she was. I don't think I would be able to think about anything else.

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