What A Horrible Place This Is!

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I kept walking as the worn-out gray bricks transitioned to sandstone walls and pillars. The area became more open and the castle was in the distance. "Maybe it's not that long," I said to myself. "Just complicated?" One of the pillars had hands on it, pointing in different directions. My gut told me to go right. I did. I went to reach my hands into the back pockets of my jeans when I felt something. Pulling it out of my pockets, I had a tube of lipstick on me for some reason. I then remembered that I needed it for a science project. What harm will it do to use a little bit?
Crouching down, I drew a bright pink arrow, pointing in the direction I was about to walk into. Every corner, I would mark the direction to go. Maybe if anyone else came through here, this would help. This process was repeated for a few minutes when I came upon a wall. Damn it...
I turned around to fix my vector when I noticed it was rotated. No one was around. "Something around here has been changing my markings!" Out of frustration, I threw my lipstick against the wall, breaking it. "This place sucks! That's not fair!"
"That's right!" A voice snapped behind me. "It's not fair!" I turned around to see two - well, technically four - guards to a couple of doors. "But that's only half of it!" I stepped forward, starting to look back and forth from them to where I just stood. "Just thirty seconds ago, this was a dead end," I thought out loud. One of the guards down below poked his head out from behind the shield they carried. "No, that's the dead end behind you!" He said, pointing. I turned around to find that where I had just came from was only wall. "What? All this place does is change!" I turned back around to the doors. "What now?"
"Well, the only way out of here is to try one of these doors," One said. "One leads to the castle at the center of the labyrinth, and the other one to..."
The guard under him added suspense.
"Certain death!" They all made a stereotypical ghost noise. I looked back and forth. "How will I know which is which?" I said. "Well," the red one on the top said. "You can't ask us, you can only ask one of us!" "That's right!" The blue one beside him said. "One of us always tells the truth and one of us always lies. That's another thing, too. He always lies." The guard gestured next to him.
"I do not! I tell the truth!"
"Oh what a lie!"
I had an idea. I walked to my left. "Okay. Answer yes or no," I said. "Would he..." I pointed to my right, "tell me that this door leads to the castle?" The guard in front of me paused. Then he ducked behind the shield to talk to the lower half. He rose back up. "Yes," he plainly said.
"So...this door is the one that leads to certain death," I said after a moment of thinking. The guard widened his eyes. "What? How do you know?" He said. "I just happen to," I answered. "If only one of you is honest, then obviously you're the one who lies. And therefore it's the other one."
The all looked at each other, confused. "I swear to God," I laughed. "I'm right!" I made my way toward the door on the right. "Yeah," I thought out loud. "I was--"
Before I could finish my thought, I ended up falling into a hole.

I didn't fall straight down and was eventually stopped without hitting the ground. "Hello?" I yelled up. "Help!" "What do you mean 'help'?" A voice said. I looked around to see who spoke when it ended up being a few hands forming into a face. "We ware helping!" A different one popped up next to it as the first one fell apart. "We're helping hands," it said. "What do you mean--ow! Why--ouch!" I tried to speak but was cut off by the hands squeezing and pinching my arms and legs. "That hurts!" Another face formed above me. "Would you like us to let go?" Before I could say anything else, the hands let go and I protested loudly, making them grab onto me again.
"Well, come on now," Another set of hands said. "Which way?" I paused. "Which way?" I echoed. As I tried to think, the hands kept on antagonizing me.
"Come on!"
"We haven't got all day!"
"Well, it's a big decision for her!"
"Which way do you want to go? Hmm?"
"Yes, which way?"
Alright, let's think here. I've kept telling myself to expect the unexpected. I haven't been doing very well on that. So if I let myself go down, it'll obviously be a trap since he thinks that I'm going to obey logic. "You guys have the ability to hoist me up?" I said. A hand face put itself together right in front of me. "Of course! There's many of us! And with many of us comes much strength!" What a way to toot your own horn, I thought. "Alright," I exhaled. "I'm going up." With that, the hands grabbed onto whatever they can and pulled me up out of the hole. As I reached the top, I noticed that the guards were gone and the other door became a simple pathway. With no time to think, I went on my way to find the quickest way to the castle.

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