What Could I Do?

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I took a deep breath and started running down the declined hill that would lead into this labyrinth. Welp, I thought. Here goes nothing. Upon approaching, I noticd this midget, doing his business in a small pond.

I looked a little in disgust at it for about five seconds. "Um, excuse me?" I said. He stumbled a bit pulling his pants up. "Oh! Excuse me!" He grunted in a small panic. "Sorry, sir but...no one really wants to see that," I said. The midget bent down and picked up a tube. "Well, nobody comes around here, so I don't pay attention," he said, not looking at me. He walked away to a small bushel of bug-like creatures. I walked closer. Faries. I couldn't help but smile as one flew near my face for a moment. "Fifty...seven!" The midget sprayed the fairy with air and it dropped to the ground. "Hey!" I gasped. He didn't listen. Instead, the dwarf kicked the dirt over it, laughing. I crouched down beside it, slowly picking it up. "Poor thing," I muttered, standing up. "You're a monster--AH!" I felt small, sharp teeth nibble my palm and I dropped the fairy on instinct. "It bit me!" "What did you expect fairies to do?" The dwarf asked, looking to me. "I...I thought they were nice," I sighed. "Like granting wishes or something." "Shows what you know," he growled. "Fifty-eight!" Another fairy fell to the ground. "You're evil," I groaned. "No I ain't!" He said "I'm Hoggle! You?" "(Y/N)," I stammered. "Can you help me get into this labyrinth?" "Sure," Hoggle answered, not looking at me. "Fifty....nine!" "Well, where is the entrance?" I asked. He didn't answer and chased another fairy. "Sixty!" Hoggle cheered.
"I said where is it?" I raised my voice. "Where is what?" He asked.
"The entrance!"
"What entrance?"
"It's no use asking you anything!" I groaned. "Not if you ask the right questions," Hoggle responded. I rolled my eyes. "Where do I get into the labyrinth?" I asked. Hoggle stopped in his tracks, then turned around. "Ah..." he said. "Now that's more like it!" He walked forward. "You gets in...there." Hoggle pointed at a gate that I didn't even see before as it opened on its own. Hesitantly, I stepped through. "You're...really going in there, are you?" He asked, as if scared for me. "Yeah. Apparently so." I sighed, not looking at him. The wall in front of me was a burnt gray color with run-down bricks. I look to my left where I saw a pathway leading for possibly miles. I look right. Same thing.

"Cozy, isn't it?" Hoggle shouted behind me, causing me to jump. He cackled a little, walking over to the wall, leaning against it. "Now, would you go left...or right?" He asked, gesturing each direction. I looked back and forth again. "They both look the same," I said, responding to his question as well as speaking my thoughts. "Well," Hoggle said. "You're not gonna get very far." "What about you?" I asked. "Which way would you go?" "Me?" Hoggle scoffed. "I wouldn't go either way." I rolled my eyes. "Weakling," I muttered under my breath. "Alright," I muttered aloud. "Thanks for nothing, Hogwoggle." I placed my right hand on the wall, walking foreward. "It's Hoggle!" He groaned. I rolled my eyes, soon jumping to the sound of the gate loudly closing. "It's fine," I muttered to myself. "Even if Cole does become a goblin...it wouldn't be too bad. Well, that might be a little concerning to others, never mind!" I tried to make sure my thoughts accompanied me as I went down the path. I took my hand off the wall since I knew what direction I was going in. Branches, dry leaves, and moss were basically my only obsticles.
"Is this all it is?" I asked myself after walking for about five minutes. "This is either the easiest or hardest labyrinth in history! No turns. No corners." I sighed and leaned up against the wall, almost ready to shout out that I gave up. "Wait," I said. "Maybe it's a trick." I put my hand back on the wall, trying to feel for any sort of opening and started running. My whole body was soon pressed against it as I tried to catch my breath. I'm out of shape, I thought. "Now where can someone find an--OOF!"
I fell onto the ground in an opening. Laughing victoriously, I stood up, placing my hand back on the wall. This time, however, I chose to go to my left. Expect the unexpected, my brain kept telling me.

Wasn't Too Much Fun at All (Jareth x reader)Where stories live. Discover now