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I would not lose. She's too smart. Maybe I could try and lure her out of what she was doing. The area around her was a forest. Perfect. Carefully, I held the crystal that laid in my fingers and blew it away.


My energy was practically drained. I've been through too many in things in this damn place. I wanna go home. My head was trying to push tears out of my eyes but I didn't make it. Stay strong, (Y/N), I thought. My stomach groaned. I really needed food. I looked up at the trees and stopped at one dotted with peaches. What a Godsend! I hopped into the air and grabbed onto one. Once I landed back onto the ground, I rotated the fruit between my fingers to check for bruises or marks. It was suspiciously perfect. Oh well, I'm not complaining. I let my teeth sink into the soft skin of the peach. I can pull the seed out later. As I chewed it, the aftertaste changed from sweet to...strange. Almost like the smell of cologne. But it's unfamiliar. It also had a small taste of the smell of ash. My fingers went numb. I felt my eyelids grow heavy. The area around me slowly waved and shook. I couldn't feel my legs but I felt their effect: I slowly moved backwards and sunk against the peach tree. Slowly, perfect bubbles floated in the air around me. The only thing I could feel was my heartbeat. It was beating so shakily. Slowly, I reached my arm out to touch one of the bubbles.

The ballroom was different than any other ones I've seen in any fairytales. Most had long stairways going down into it. This was simply just a doorway. There were so many people dancing. Some on their own, only for me to realize that their partners pulled them back into their arms. Some places in the back of the ballroom had more people who sat down for wine or even to just have a place to put their hands on each other. Despite all of their unique designs, they all had one thing in common: they wore masks. Everyone did but me. I felt like such a loser being the only one who didn't wear one. I stepped farther into the room and looked around. The center of the room held a fountain-like structure. In front of it was only one person who had a handheld mask. He must have seen me since he slowly lowered it off of his face. It was the goblin king. Jareth was his name, right? I took another step forward. A set of dancers crossed in front of him and he disappeared. Before I could look around and see where he went, everyone's gaze landed on me. My head dropped and my feet carried me to another part of the ballroom.
Most of the people ignored me. Those who didn't teased me constistently. I need alone time. I looked up and met eyes with Jareth, two other women ressting on his shoulders. At first, I felt my heart sink, but then he pushed the girls away and stepped forward.
Before I could understand what he was doing, Jareth pulled me close, one hand around my waist and the other holding onto my hand. I followed his actions, resting my hand on his shoulder. My body shook in fear and confusion, but immediately relaxed afterward with a look in his eyes and a soft sound from him.
He's singing to me.
My heart sunk at the sound of his voice. I wanted to ask what was happening. Why am I here now? What do you want from me?
Why do I love you?
Subconsciously, my hand ran up his arm and around his shoulder. Both of his hands were around my waist and he pulled me closer somehow. It felt like it was only us two in the room. There was a desperate look of longing in his eyes. I needed him, too. His head slowly came down to my level and his lips landed on mine. I went numb. This was exactly what he wanted. Now I wanted it.
My stomach sank. How much time do I have left? Not a lot, probably.
I broke away from him and he almost fell forward. I turned back and looked at him. The look of desperation changed to confusion and sadness. My feet turned me around again and I ran. The doorway I originally came through had vanished. In its place was a mirrored wall. I studied it carefully. There was an outside area. I punched the wall. No luck. I stepped backwards and ran at the glass with all my might and lept at it, panicking that it broke unexpectedly. The entirety of the ballroom fell apart, including its people. Including me. A quick thought raced through my mond about Jareth.
What have I done?

Wasn't Too Much Fun at All (Jareth x reader)Where stories live. Discover now