1. I miss you

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Hi there! It's my first RokuBeni fanfic, hope we get along and you'll enjoy the story! ^^

Benio's POV.

Aaaah~ I wonder where we are, it's been so long since we left Chinu and head to the Tsuchimikado's island.

"Rokuro we'll see each other soon" I whispered to myself and smiled.

"Huh? You said someting?" Said Kamui.

"Nothing that concenrs you..."

He mumbled something and went on
. Ugh...I wish I could already be on the island but I think I can't help it.


I turned around and saw a basara. She looked like a kid and was wearing sweamsuit with a bunny hoodie.

"You're on my way. Die." As she said that she started attacking us. I tried to get close to her as much as I could while trying not to get hurt. My priority now is to see again Rokuro and I won't stop now!! I am too determined so I won't give up now easily.

A/N(It's not that Im lazy, I just suck at descirbing fights etc. I leave to your imagination guys)

We kind of hurted her but she went away...aaah~ this was tiring. *pant* *pant*


Dozens of kegare surrounded around me. I looked around and saw no Kamui. I grit my teeth. It's not that I expected he would fight with me but did he just run away like a coward!?
I had no other choice but to exorcise them by myself, but...I'm already at my limit. I jumped as fast as a shooting arrow and exorcised all of the kegare. Suddenly I felt dizzy, weird... I feel very weird. After that everything went black but what happend next?

Rokuro's POV.

"God damnit! Focus Rokuro!!"

Since the day I last saw Benio I felt empty ...like the part of me was ripped in two halfs and someone took one and run away. I can't stop asking myself even once with questions like "Is she fine? How is doing? How is going regereaining her enchanted powers? Are they back and she's just waiting for permission to come here?? Does she even eat propely?? And most torturing question... Is she still alive??

I shaked my head. Stop it!! Focus for god's sake!!
After I finished my homework I went outside like everyday, it's kind of my new routine and looked at violet flowers that were condensed with night dew. The light of the moon illuminated flowers that they seemed like they were shining due the dew. They reminds me so much of Benio...her violet hair, emerald eyes, smooth almost white skin. I didn't even noticed my eyes got teary and from them tears were going slowly down my cheeks. I wiped my eyes and head down the road. I looked at the hospital and well it was probably expensive to build one like that but some exorcists are poor and some of them are rich, that's how life works.

Out of nowhere an ambulance drove to the hospital. My curious made me to come closer and see what happend and when I saw the person that was bringing to the hospital I couldn't believe my own eyes, my heart skipped for a moment. Maybe I'm just tired that's all but I have to make sure that it's not her, that it's not my Benio.

I ran into the hospital like something was on fire and asked recepcionist (nurse, whatever) who was the person that was just brought here.

"It's Adashino Benio" She said her name like it was the thing she hate the most.I was so shocked that it's really her...my Benio, all kinds of questions filled my head at that moment.

"Is she okay!? Can I go see her!? Is she going to be all right?!!"

"Are you family of her? I need evidence that you are related to her." She looked at me with cold eyes.


"That's what I thought I'm sorry but in this situation I am not allowed to let you in and tell you any information. Sorry sir but could you leave if there's nothing more??"

"Okay then..." I said sadly and made my way to the exit but before that I quickly turned back and ran in the direction that benio was driven. It was way to the surgery room. I only heard this nurse screaming after me and probably calling security. I was so close to the doors but security caught me before I touched them.

"That's enough! Don't you see,you fool that inside there is surgery and you can't go in!!?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Now get out of here till we nice, we make sure you won't get close to this patient (benio)"

"We'll see..." I said mad leaving the hospital.

End of chapter 1.

Well I hope you like, I know it's a bit short but the next chapter will longer...oh definitely^^.💞💝💞

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