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Oof I have no idea for a title...

Rokuro's POV.

I started crying. I couldn't believe that she's finally here.


'Who's th-there?'

I got closer, then she noticed me beacause she jumped on me and hugged me.

'Rokuro...it's really you' she said between sobs.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and burned my face in her neck. I hugged her tighter. I couldn't help it I was so happy that I was able to be with her...finally. But I think I hugged her too tight cuz' I heard from her quiet 'ouch' as she started clinching more to my jacket. I let go of her quickly.

' I'm so sorry Benio. Did I hurt you!? Does it hurt a lot!? Maybe perhaps I touched the place where were you operated!? I'm so sorry I didn't meant to!'

Benio was so shocked from all these questions that I could read from hear expression that she didn't know which one to answer first. She was only sitting speechless at cold ground.

'I...' she started. I was looking at her very worried. 'Well umm...my back hurts a little but...I think...I'm okay.' She said giving small smile.

'Are you sure?... You know very well that you should rest!... You woke up in hospital so why do you think you were there huh!? Why did you anyways left the hospital!? I'm pretty sure they didn't just let you go after you woke up!!' I said a bit angry with her while raising my voice with every my word.

'I...I'm sorry. I had no idea that I'm on island and wanted to...go back...to magano to continue my journey...wait...Did I make it? Am I finally on island!?' She cried again.

'Yes you did it... and what do you mean by journey??'

'I...I'll tell you later okay?'

'All right, but right now let's go back to the hospital okay??'

'Can't I just stay with you. Please...I don't wanna go back there...'

'Okay then *sigh* but we have to inform them that you're safe with me.' I looked at her.
'I bet you're tired. C'mon I'll take you home.' I picked her up as gently as I can and carry her on my back straight to Enmadou house.

'Where are we going...Rokuro??'

'You'll see in time' I said proudly.

'Rokuro what did you do?? =_='

'Nothing I swear!!!!' I said nervous.

No one's POV.

As Rokuro was walking with Benio on his back he could feel how skinny and light Benio became.

'I can see you lost weight....Weren't you eating at all?'

'Well due my trip I have run out of money and so I couldn't buy much then bread or something cheap...'

'I want to talk about this trip with you but later after you rest. OK?'


'You have no idea how many things had happened. I really wanna tell it all to you but you're probably gonna fell asleep and I wanna suprise you with something.'

'Okay then you'll tell me later.'

After a while Rokuro started....

'Ne Benio...'

'What is it?'

'What d-do you th-think of m-m-marriage??' He said blushing.

'Y-you mean....y-you and m-m-me???' Benio said stuttering and also blushing.

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