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Rokuro's POV.

We were going down the road holding hands. I was so happy seeing Benio smiling. In the corner of the eye I saw Benio amazed at how island changed ( I heard it wasn't so developed before as it is now). When we approached main street of Tsuchimikado Benio clinged to me more and has her head down. I was about to ask her 'what's wrong?' but then I noticed whispers and glares in our direction. I speeded up making my way to the pier. I saw a bench near us so we both sat down in dead silent.

Benio seemed to enjoy the view and sound of a weaves but I'm talkative person and sitting silent doing nothing makes go crazy but...I think it's okay to sometimes chill like that.

'Crap I almost forgot!' I jumped out of the bench.
Benio looked at me suprised and confused.

'I'll be back, stay here!'


And with that I ran to the Kisaragi (central shopping district) I DO NOT OWN THE NAME OF THIS DISTRICT IT'S FROM THE MANGA.

Benio's POV.

It's been a while since I've been here. Last time I was here with brother and my friends...I wonder how are they doing these days? Are they still alive?

I shook my head to get rid of bad thoughts. I waited for Rokuro to come back but there was no sing of him.

'Ehh...this stupid boy' I blushed just of thinking of him. I'm going to tell you today...yes I decided.

After a 30 minutes Rokuro came back running with his hands behind him. He looked like he was hidding something.

'Took you long ya know...' I've looked up at him.

'Sorry for that...but I have something for you' he smiled nervous.

He took a deep breath and said. 'Benio since I remember when I looked at you for the first time I thought 'what a cute girl' but when I got to know you...You were getting on my nerves. I was so annyoed all time beacause of you. But when we were announced 'Twin Stars' and I got to know you better I saw you differently regardless of how you live or how much you love ohagi.' I chuckled at this part.

'What I want to say is...Benio' he started with lovely-calm voice.
'I fell in love with you, I don't know when or how but I want to see you happy but with me...no one else but me, I love you Benio, Will you be my girlfriend?'

He took out a bouquet of pink and white flowers along with a box wrapped in ribbon.

'You stupid...'

'Eh!?' He looked sad and confused.

'I was going to say first 'I love you'' I stand up. I cried out a bit.

'Of course I will be you girlfriend!! I love you too so so much!' I kissed him and wraped my arms around his neck.


I was wearing a necklace from Rokuro and was looking at the flowers. We decided to celebrate our relationship with a dinner at home and...with a bit of alcohol. Nothing will bad happen...I guess.

'Benio! Dinners ready!!' I heard Rokuro calling me.


And with that we enjoed the rest of the day. Ending up in a weeeird places...

\__________end of chapter 7__________/

Sorry it's short. Even thought I have summer break I have no ideas for new chapter. Sorry but you've got to wait longer this time for next chapter. I promise to make it up to you! Bye, bye hope to write soon.

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