6. A date?

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Benio's POV.

I opened my eyes lazily to feel warm, thought I fell asleep under the try so it's kinda weird. I looked up and saw that I was hugging...Rokuro!! We're under the blanket cuddling to each other!! Aaah so embarrassing~! We can't sleep like that! Someone can see us. It will get so akward if someone catch us. I have to do something!

I start shaking Rokuro.

'Rokuro...wake up~...'


'Wake up! You- ergh...go to bed!'

'Ah? Sorry I must fell asleep too.' He smiled looking at me so lovingly. 'Well we both shouldn't sleep here, let's go inside.'

I nodded and followed him.

'Anyways why were you sleeping under the tree? I made a bed for you to sleep...'

'I know....but I couldn't sleep also...'

'What is it? Is something bothering you??' He asked looking at me.

'N-no it's nothing really...' I looked down to avoid his stare.

'Benio...' He grab my shoulders and pressed me to the wall. 'Just...tell me...I won't laugh or anything I'll promise.'

'Ehh...it's fine...'

'You know very well it isn't...! Now tell me.'

'If you...insist...'

'Yes I really do. I care about...you' he said blushing. I blushed a bit too.
I said on one breath really fast.

'I just feel useless. You're doing everything in house and I don't know how to even help me. And the fact that most of people on island hates me drives me crazy. I feel so sad and mad at myself...I even sometimes wish I could just die...'


'See? You don't even know what to say beacause you know very well it's true...' My eyes start getting teary at this moment. I couldn't help it.

Suddenly I felt warm coming through my body as Rokuro hugged me.

'Shh don't cry...I don't want to see you sad Benio. I'm sorry if you feel this way I just wanted you rest as much as you can so we can practice a lot later...together and even if so these people hates you, remember that you have us... We're family right?'

He stroke my head which helped me calm down. I hugged him tighter as a response on his question...I know that he knew this means 'yes we are'.

Unexpectedly I didn't feel a ground under me...Rokuro picked me up and head to the room!! Omg this is so- aghh!!

'Well it's time to rest and as soon as we wake up we'll go for a walk what do you think??'

'I'll g-gladly go...' DAMN YOU ROKURO!!
He lied me down on a bed and I was pretty sure he went to sleep to his room but he got back with his pillow, worn in pyjama and lied down next to me. I blushed really hard!!

'Then goodnight Benio' he kissed in a forehead and turned on the other side. I was looking at his...manly back...STOP IT BENIO!!!


Rokuro's POV.

Omg I can't actually believe in my own actions! I'm blushing so hard! I really really didn't think this trought! What should I do?? I'm sleeping with Benio!! Well in normal meaning and all but still!! She's so close I can feel her breath on my neck...her lips are touching my neck!!! Oh my god!! I have to wait till morning...I can do it...yeah I can do it, I slept in the same bed with her once after the match with Kamui and we bathed together...I wanna bath with her again thought....wait no!!!! NO I DON'T!! AGH I'm going nuts!!
...I'm fine...I won't be able to sleep but I'll be fine...

   [After 2 minutes Rokuro fell asleep]

'Mm?? It's morning already??'

I looked around and saw Benio on top of me!! She wrapped her legs around me! It's bad it's very very bad if she won't wake up soon it might end in so akward scene and I don't mean that she's sleeping on me...I'll have morning wood. I have to do something quick! Too late...

'Oy Benio wake up. Wake up or I'll trow you off of me.'


I noticed that she's eating her hair...

'You must dream about ohagi don't you?'


She smiled and rubbed her eyes. She looked and noticed in how embarrassing position we are. Stuttering she get off of me and apologized.

'It's fine...'

I took a blanket pretending that I'm cold and went to my room. Baka baka baka!!!! I looked down to only see one thing I didn't wished for by now.

'I'm so done. God I hope she didn't notice.'

Then I heard a quiet knocking in a door.

'Roku..ro are you...okay?'

'Y-yeah, don't worry. I'll go first take a shower okay?

'Okay...' said benio sounding kinda upset.

After a cold shower that helped a lot I went out to check on Benio. She was eating breakfast along with Kinako.

'Is everyone else still asleep?' I asked.

'They already went out with their businesses to take care of.' Said kinako.

'Ah I see. So what do we have for breakfast?'

'I made pancakes...' said Benio shyly while taking a bite but before that I ate it.

'Mm delicious good job Benio! Can I have some too?'

Before Benio could answer Kinako jumped on screaming 'how dare you' etc. I started screaming at him too of course.

'Be quiet the two of you!!' Screamed Benio enough loud for her.
'We'll eat in piece together now okay?'

'Y-yes' We both said in one voice.

                 [After the breakfast]

'C'mon Benio I promised you to take you for a walk...w-well let's call it...a a a d-date. Would you like to go on a date with me?'

'A date?!'

Benio's POV

My heart skipped at the moment when I heard a word 'date'. I was so happy, but I have to keep it cool.

'Yes...I would love...to!'

'Okay then get ready and we can...go okay?'

'I'll be in 5 minutes'

I gave him a little smile and went off to change into something pretty. I won't be too dressed beacause I've never had a chance and never think about buying pretty girly clothes. I wore light blue dress with flowers printed on it and made my hair up to ponytail, of course I didn't forget about hair clips that Rokuro gave me. I put on a lipstck and ate mint...just in case [ ;)) ].

I quickly made my way down the hallway to front door where Rokuro was already waiting.

'Sorry I keep you waiting.'

'I thought you said 5 minutes not a-'

Rokuro turned around and looked at me speechless. Do I look weird?

'H-how do I...look?' I asked blushing a little.


'T-thank you...'

Rokuro was still looking at me so I get closer to him and took his hand.


'Hm?Ah! Yes!!'

I laughed a bit at his reaction, it was...cute. I smiled to myself and look at Rokuro for a little while. I want this moment to be forever. I want time to stop so I could enjoy moment with Rokuro like that.

\__________end of chapter 6___________/

Sorry it took me so long but I just have some problems and I'm to get over this all. Hope you enjoyed and will stay and wait for a next chapter. Let me know in a comments what do you think ^^.

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