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It's my birthday today yeeey!!!

Rokuro's POV.

It's already 6 daye since Benio is in hospital I only get to know that she's in sort of coma. I tried several times to get to her to see her but every time it ended the way I was kicked out. Mayura and Shimon tried too but it didn't work out well too.

I sighed and get up from the floor in a training room.

"I should probably take a bath."

[15 minutes later- after the bath]

Maybe if I go and apologize for my behaviour then they'll let me see her. Yes that's the plan! I took my jacket because it's kinda cold and took some things like a phone and money.

Benio's POV. (Meanwhile as Rokuro was getting ready to Benio)

I opened my eyes and white light of lamps blinded me. I blinked twice and start looking around to see where am I.

"Ugh... Whe-where...am I?" I asked like waiting for answer, but I saw no one.

It looks like I'm in a hospital but how did I get here? The last thing I remember was fighting in magano so did some exorcists found me and took me here? But I was in this basara looking form...It's kind of scary here. I have to get out of this place.

I sit up straight and started taking off PVC and the other medical things that were attached to my body. I looked at the clock opposite to me. It's almost 4 AM huh? I have to go...I really don't wanna be in a place the god knows where but... I don't especially feel so good. I got up barely standing and changed into my clothes as fast as I can but my head was going crazy, it was spinnning like crazy. Quite as mouse I ran out of this place. I was running really fast not even bother to look around me until I bumped. I was too embarrassed to even look at the person straight in the eyes and only bow and quiet apologize. I ran into the forest not even looking behind.

After running I tripped and fell on the ground. I started crying I couldn't take it anymore. I sit on my knees and cried.

'Where am I...? I wanna go... home...'

I hugged myslef and cried.

Rokuro's POV.

I know it's very early but maybe they let me see her and won't to have wait for a argue 3 hours. I head to the hospital with my head in the clouds. It was still dark but tonight...stars were very beautiful and very vivid...I wonder why... I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the person who ran into me. I wanted to blame this person who ruin my trousers (they were now all dirty ) but I only heard quiet sorry. Wait I know this voice...nah it can't be...but what if. When I looked up to see who it is, the mystery person was gone. I quickly look around to see...her, it's a girl with the same hair as my beloved Benio and uniform from mailand school just like hers!!

'No way'

I quickly stood up and ran after the girl. She was quite fast. I can tell she was already tired from running. She tripped and fell on a ground. She was panting and...crying. She hugged herself and said with trembling voice.

'Where am I?... I wanna go...home...'

I decided to reveal myself. When I got closer to see her face then barely but still I could saw her. Then it hit me.


__________/End of chapter 2\________

OOF that's it for now!! ^^

Hope you like it!!! And the update will be after my exams in April 10 th or maybe earlier but don't make up your hopes 'kay?

Now bye bye❤

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