5. Thoughts + BONUS

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(4 days after Benio is finally in home)

Benio's POV.

'Another normal day for me...'

I woke up with Kinako snoring besides me. I decided to just go for a glass of water and try to not wake anyone up. As I walked to the kitchen I stopped by the view of Rokuro sleeping on his books. He must be very tired...after all he's been taking caring of me since these past few days. I saw a blanket near him so I covered him up so he dont catch cold.

'Silly Rokuro...' I wishpered and smiled.

I am quite thirsty but if I'll make any noise there's a chance that I'll wake Rokuro up. Also...It's not healthy to sleep like this...maybe I should take him to the room so he can finally get some normal sleep...Yes that would be the best for him.

I gently took him on my back and only prayed that he wouldn't wake up.
Oh god Rokuro...how much do you weight?? I would lie if I didn't say that he's heavy but he is. I lied him down on a bed near Kinako and covered him up. I was very tired....

I come back to the kitchen to check one thing.

'I swear on my pride that I saw this book was for homeworks not really...for studying...'

I took the book in my hands and I was right. Rokuro feel asleep while doing homework. How childish of you...Rokuro

I sat down and started doing his homework...Well at least I can help him this way. It's not even this difficult.
It took me a while to finish this homework but after putting finished honework aside I decided to take a walk outside. I'm still kind of ashamed of me so I don't want anyone to see me to give me this looks.

As I was walking through the garden I noticed how well-kept it was or maybe become...

I took a deep breath and sat under the tree where I used to play with mother, father and brother. Tears started flowing down freely.

'AaaAah~ I wish...this time could go back'

I looked at starry sky couldn't belive that I'm really back home. I smiled to myself.

'I wonder what will happen in the future...'

Rokuro's POV.

I woke up in the middle of the night. Oh crap!! My homework!! I looked around noticing that I wasn't in kitchen anymore but in bed. Wait a minute...that's Benio's bed. I don't see her near me. I got off the bed and looked for her around the house. I start to worry and went to garden.

'Be- ... huh?'

I saw her sleeping under the tree. She must probably saw me asleep in the kitchen and took me to bed...also finish my homework. We both are silly. I took a blanket and sat beside her. I covered her with blanket.
I blushed madly as I felt her hugging me and lying her head on my shoulder. Now I'm stuck here for good I guess, he he.

'I will never leave your side again'

I cupped her cheek and let the moment be. I'm greatful for meeting such a amazing person as you are Benio. I can't tell you this yet but... I like you Benio, I really do.

___________End of chapter 5__________

HAPPY ROKUBENI DAY EVERONE!!! ALSO THE KISS DAY. BEACAUSE OF THIS SPECIAL DAY I DECIDED TO MAKE BONUS!! ( Bonus doesn't concern the original story). Hope you like it. I know I'm late sorry also HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROKURO. There'll be another bonus for Rokuro's brth.

Rokuro's POV.

It was hot sunny day. We luckily didn't have school today so I invinted my friends to go on a beach with me, Benio, Kinako and Arimori.

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