9. You don't know with who you're messing with

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Suddenly there was a sound from behind us, the sound of a rapid gasp and a quiet 'eek'. Both of us were frozen and we both looked in the direction the sound had come from. The person behind the sound was Ringo and Kimihiko. I felt a huge blush, paint all over my face, I looked quickly at Rokuro and his face was as red as mine. Any way you look at it this wasn't the best place for such intimate things, things like this should be held out for married life but we're not even officially married. Of course I am not forcing Rokuro to propose to me, but if he wants to do such bawdy things then we still have to get married first. How could I have given in so easily to such temptation before marriage? What a shame.

Before Kimihiko spoke out, Ringo interrupted him and said. 

-We haven't seen anything. Right Kimihiko?

-Huh? But-

She gave him a death glare. 

-A-Aaah yeah you're right, we're just passing by…

-We're off now!!!!

Both of them ran away as fast as they could. I slid down from the work surface' and cleared my throat slightly. I turned towards Rokuro to see him blushing madly and playing with his hands.

-Thank you for helping me...I'll be going...I was supposed to meet Mayura-san

-Oh, right... I also have an important matter to take care of, so I'll be off to Taigetsuro… 

-See you during dinner then…

-Ah Right yes see ya! 

I quickly made my way to the entrance, grabbing my purchase with my phone and wallet in it. I wore a denim jacket and black heels. After that I headed quickly towards Otomi…no… Amawaka estate. 

Once I got there, Mayura ran up to me and grabbed my hands.

-I'm so sorry Benio-San!

-For what? ... What happened?

-Well, it's because you've already arrived and it happened that I have some important house businesses to take care of, and as the head of the family, I have to do it myself. So I'm really sorry but we have to postpone our meeting for another time! 

-Ah I see... No problem, no harm done 

-Again, I'm very sorry, I promise to make it up to you!!! Bye bye!!!

-See you Mayura…

I took a deep breath and sighed, and with that I resignedly walked towards the forest. I needed some time by myself with nature only. Maybe these intrusive thoughts will go away if I spend some time among the flowering trees.

I know that Rokuro loves me no matter what but…will…I… be able to please him one day? I mean! Will my body attract him? Ah geez, is it even appropriate to think about such things at this age? Aaagh whatever! 

I sighed, resigned, and stepped into the tree alley. It looks magical but still I couldn't stop thinking about it…

I decided to walk along the beach, there was a very pleasant breeze so it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. I took off my jacket feeling my body getting warmer and warmer from the sun. The weather was just right for such a walk. Suddenly, I noticed a group of young boys in front of me. Probably my age or even older. A few of them looked me over from top to bottom making strange faces... Suddenly a few of them started to cat-call me which was absolutely disgusting! 

-Hey beautiful! Nice ass you've got there damn! 

-Wanna have a REAL ride? (he means sex) 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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