4. Home

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As always I want to apologize for my grammar I'm trying my best!!! Well then let's get to the story! ^^


I watched how Benio is peacefully sleeping for a minute or more and then I realized what I'm doing Damn it Rokuro stop being pervert!! I laughed shortly at the think that Benio would kick me for this. I slowly got up and closed quietly door beside me. As soon I noticed Arisu and Kinako.

'Morning Enmadou' said Arisu.

'Morning imp!' Kinako likely shout.

I silenced them down.


'Huuuh?! Don't 'Shh' at me you scum! Why would I be quiet!?' Shouted Kinako.

I quieted him with my hand.

'I'll tell you guys but first of all be quiet. She's sleeping?'

'Who?' Asked Arisu.

'Benio is in my room sleeping.'

'Wha?! You serious? I thought she's in hospital...wait did you kidnapped her??'

'What? No of course not! I'll tell you everything in the kitchen okay?'

We made our way to the kitchen, we sat down and I began telling them what happened. They were quite shock from what they just heard from me but tried not show it. Suddenly Arisu spoke.

'I think she should go back to the hospital but she feels uncomfortable in there so maybe it's okay if she already stay here. I also think she will need for a little time a drip she didn't fully recovered as you said.'

I only nodded my head.

'Yes you're right...Kinako what do you think of making some delicious food for Benio when she wake up hmm??'

'I will!! She will get the best meal she ever had!!'

Kinako yelled excited. I laughed at him and how he is excited.

Benio's POV.

What is it? Where am I? Is this a dream? I've looked around and saw no one, only me, standing in front of my house. I went in. It's so quiet.

'Hello?' My voice echoed through the house.

'Is anybody here?... Mom?... Dad?'

I was walking throught the house and then stopped beacause of the person.

'N-nii-san?' I asked trembling.

He was standing with his crazy killer eyes, all covered in blood.

'Its all your fault Benio. You're a monster. You killed mother, father, me and...your dear fiance too.'

'No!!I-I didn't. I didn't kill parents. I didn't kill you yet you bastard! I didn't kill Rokuro!! I would never hurt him.'

'...is that so? Then see you're self his dead' he pointed at room next to me. I've looked that way and saw something I will never forget. Parents getting killed and my dear Rokuro lying on the floor in blood looking so lifeless. I screamed in terror and ran to him. Then he disappeared when I got close and heard from behind me his voice...my Rokuro's sweet voice...

'You killed me Benio...You killed everyone...Why did you do that you monster? .....Ah right you're a kegare after all...'

I couldn't move. I was paralyzed with fear. The next thing I saw was people dying from hands and at the end my failure and my death.

'Stop it!!! I didn't!!! I would never!!!' I cried.

'Die already you bitch!!!!' Yuuto jumped on me and started choking me. I tried to get away but everthing started getting blurred and then dark.

(End of a dream)

I woke up screaming in fear and crying. I couldn't breath. I was taking big deep breaths and then Rokuro rushed in the room saying something but I couldn't hear it...not a single thing. I was looking around in fear while Rokuro was trying to calm me down I think....

Rokuro's POV.

After I heard Benio's screaming I ran to her immediately. I tried to calm her down but I didn't know how excatly. I brought her closer to me and hugged her. She didn't stop crying even for a moment.

'Shhh Benio it's okay. It was...just a bad dream. Shhh...'

I don't know what could be this dream about but in one way I didn't want to ask but in other I was curious...

After a 25 minutes or so she calmed down and fell asleep again. This time I decided that I'll just stay with her, she needs me. To hell with school...Benio is now more important. I had to help her get better, I have to protect her.

________END OF CHAPTER 4.________

Phew...sorry that it's short ^^ but I had a lot in my mind lately. I hoped you enjoyed and liked it. See ya💙

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