Three weeks later

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(By this point Bella has had her 16th birthday. That is important.)

The next three weeks went as a blur. School, dancing, dates, food, shopping. Bella was currently lying in the dorm with her head on James lap reading a book. Sophia and Starla were deciding what accents to pick for their dresses. Everyone had to choose a colour and a shape. Bella had chosen hers, black with gold leaf accents. Lily was standing with the dressmaker getting her dress fitted. It was a treat from Harry and Draco that the girls would get their dresses properly fitted. Lily had chosen to go with a green dress with silver snowflakes. Lucy was quietly sitting in the corner hemming her dress. "You know Miss Banks," The dressmaker started, turning to Lucy. "I could have done that for you. It is my job."

"I know, I've just known how to do it since I was young. My mother thinks it's a skill everyone woman should know." Lucy replied, resting her hands on her lap while she spoke. Once she finished speaking she resumed her sewing.

"She's not wrong. Your mother is a smart woman." Bella shifted uncomfortably in James' lap at the mention of Lucy's mother. She hadn't forgotten about how her mother felt about her. James strokes her hair gently and she calmed down. "So are you ladies excited for tomorrow?"

They all nodded and started talking about their hair. It all stopped when the door was thrown open and Kirsty came bolting through it. She ran straight in to Sophia, who grabbed her arms and held her still. Everyone walked forward to see if she was okay. She was just standing shaking and crying in Sophia's arms. Sophia held her close and ran her hand up and down her arm.

Soon she calmed down a bit and tried to stand on her own but she just collapsed onto her knees. Sophia knelt down beside her and places her hand gently on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" Kirsty just shook her head. She could hardly say anything and then started hyperventilating and crying again.

"I think she's having a panic attack! James go and get my dad. He should be downstairs in his office." Bella said before running herself into the bathroom to get a cup of water. By now Lucy had abandoned her dress on the chair she had been sitting on and was beside her friend on the floor. Bella came back while the others tried to calm Kirsty down. She was still crying and shaking and she was breathing very heavily. James came back with Draco. Draco pushes through the girls and picked up Kirsty. She looked horrible, she was covered in sweat and tears. Draco carries her out of the room, followed by Bella and Lily, in her ballgown. They followed him down to the infirmary. The nurses immediately got to work when Draco set Kirsty down on the bed. They asked Bella and Lily what happened and they began to explain it all.

After they got Kirsty calmed down the nurses looked back up at Bella. "Are you feeling okay Miss Malfoy?" Bella just nodded. Lily and Draco looked over at her.

"It is a bit hot in here though," she said thoughtfully. Lily just laughed and shook her head.

"It's freezing Bels. Are you sure you're okay?" Lily reaches up and out her hand up to Bella's forehead. "Bella! You're burning up." The nurse walked away and came back with a thermometer.

"You are slightly feverish Miss Malfoy. I suggest going down to the great hall and getting a proper meal in you, plenty of water too, and then straight up to bed." The nurse said to her. "I think you should be fine again by the morning. You won't miss the ball. Now Miss Moreau on the other hand, Professor Malfoy and I must have a little chat. You girls run along. And remember lots of fluid Miss Malfoy."

As the girls walked back to the dorms so Lily could get changed before dinner they spoke about what could have happened. Bella started to fear the worst, that's she had seen something -or someone- outside. James met them on the way down and told them the other girls had gone for dinner and he would meet them there. He gave Bella a kiss before walking off towards the hall. "Sooooo....." Lily teased. "How's it going with you and my big bro?"

"It's great." Bella said, smiling. Lily wasn't convinced.

"That smile tells me a different story." They had made it back to their dorm. And Lily began to change back to her uniform. "Spill!"

"It's nothing I promise. Let's just go and get something to eat." Lily returned from the bathroom in her uniform and Bella raced off to the hall. They ran down the halls, knowing everyone would be inside by know. They made it to the closed door and Bella rested her hand on it to balance herself.

"Are you okay?" Lily asked. Bella snapped up glaring.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?! I'm fine!" She snapped before opening the door, leaving Lily standing stunned, and going to sit down.

Everyone was silent during dinner. That was until Bella positively turned green. She put her fork down and stood up. "Excuse me." She said before running from the room.

Later the girls found her asleep on her bed, still in her uniform, on top of her covers. Lily went to the bathroom before getting ready for bed. When she was putting her floss in the bin she noticed something. She slowly knelt down and picked it up. She walked back through to the dorm room where everyone was getting ready for bed.

She just held it in her hand and looked over at Bella. All the other girls just stared in shock.

"Oh my god."

What do you think it wrong with Kirsty? What do you think it up with Bella? Comment your thoughts. 🥰🥰

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