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Ten years have passed since izuku was rescued and started living with nemuri. Over the years there were no problems with izuku's quirk, except for one time where he was about to go berserk and met someone and learned a lot about his quirk.

A serial killer had entered their house when izuku was 7 and had held a knife at midnight's neck and said " If you move, i'll kill you"

"Leave my nee-chan alone" izuku shouted seeing nemuri held hostage by the killer.

"Shut up and scram kid or i'll kill you too" he said and pressed the knife harder against midnight's skin drawing a thin trail of blood.

Izuku seeing the blood snapped as he trembled and his hair cover his eyes as he said "you hurt nee-chan, i'll make you pay"

He glared into the killer's eyes as his emerald eyes were gone and replaced with red orbs that had a black slit in it. His whisker turned deep and his nails grew as he stood on all fours. A sinister aura covering him.

The killer scared dropped the knife and tried to run but found his face slammed into a wall as a loud crack was heard signifying the broken nose of the killer.

"Grrr" izuku growled as he clawed on the chest of the killer and left marks as blood fell from the killer's chest. He then grappled the killer's arm and twisted it back with a crunch ignoring the killer's screams.

Midnight seeing her brother like this froze but then acted quickly and used her quirk and knocked out both the killer and izuku and called Eraserhead and Present Mic along with nezu.

Izuku when knocked out was called into his own mind where he met his quirk or rather the fox, Kyuubi.

He noticed that he was inside a sewer and walked along the pipes which had red lines. He reached a huge cell and called out " hello? Anyone here?"

Suddenly he saw two huge blood red eyes in front of him and then he noticed that light came in the cell as a huge fox with nine tails about 70 to 80m glaring at him.

The fox then said " So finally my new warden is here to meet me"

"W-who are you?" Izuku asked fearfully as he took a few step back falling on his butt seeing the fox.

"Me? I am the called the great kyuubi no kitsune a being of legends, with a swish of my tails i cause catastrophic level disasters, Fear me mortal" Kyuubi said in an arrogant tone.

"H-how are you here?" Izuku asked

"I am apparently your quirk, i remembered dying with my last host, the only man i would respect, but suddenly after centuries i am reborn here in the same pathetic cell as last time but this time not as a demon being sealed but being a quirk" kyuubi said.

"Wait, you were someone else's quirk before me?" Izuku asked

"No, i was an actual living being before and was sealed inside a mortal, and i died centuries ago, and have been reborn as a quirk, meant to help you, but i can't" kyuubi spoke

"W-what? Why?" Izuku asked

"Because my power brings hate, and anger, all types of negative feelings, as it is for those who have suffered, you will be able to use my powers but for that you would have to defeat me to conquer your hate and negative emotions, till then i will be locked in this cell, i will try my best to give you my power at a level that you can handle because if you go above that level then you go berserk and kill everyone" kyuubi explained

"I..i see, but nee-chan said that you were created due to those experiments on me" izuku asked curiously

Laughter was heard around the cell as kyuubi laughed and then said " me created by those insolent bugs ahaha, nice joke kid, but no, i was not, i was always your quirk those experiments magnified my regenerative abilities and now even if you lose a limb you could recreate it and it even gave you chakra and ability that was used during my time alive by ninja's to create techniques along with the fact that our negative emotions are linked, if you get angry, i get too and while i can control it you can't and this in turn causes us to go berserk and eventually you start transforming into me. "

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