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Izuku was asleep in his bed when his alarm rang and he tried to dismiss it but, whichever button he would press it would not turn off.

Growing irritated izuku slammed his fist on the alarm clock and breaking it as he shouted " Shut the hell up!!"

And now fully awake izuku sat up and hearing the sound of footsteps, he thought 'Oh boy here she comes'

'She won't be happy, izuku' kurama said and his door slammed open as midnight stood there and seeing his now destroyed alarm clock she shouted "Izuku Midoriya! This is the 10th alarm clock you have broken this month! Do you want me to spend all of my income on buying alarm clock, huh!!"

Izuku gulped as he said " Uh, sorry? This was the last one, promise."

"This better be true or there will be a no more katsudon for a month and your pocket money will be halved. Now get your ass out of the bed!" she warned and shouting the last part she slammed the door shut as she walked off.

'Damn, those are some harsh punishments' Kurama said to izuku

'Yeah, just imagine, no katsudon for a month' izuku said mentally shuddering at the thought.

Izuku then walked to the bathroom to shower and then get ready for school.

After reaching school izuku sat in his seat and could see that everyone was tense and they anticipated the results of their test.

Izuku did his routine if greeting everyone and sat behind momo and seeing her serious he said "Hey, Why are you so serious? Chill we won't fail"

"Um, yes. I know but still, i can't help but be a little nervous" momo answered izuku as she turned to face him and he sighing placed a hand on her shoulder which made her blush a little as he stared in her eyes and said "Yaoyorozu-chan, we beat all might, and if we fail after beating him, i don't think then anyone will pass."

She still blushing, nodded at him and giving him a shy smile she thanked him, that's when he noticed todoroki, stood up as he and todoroki fistbumped and izuku said " So buddy, how's everything going?"

"It's...nice. Endeavor is still a bitch but other than that everything is fine, mom and i are finally bonding and becoming closer, even my sibilings are now bonding with her seeing as i told them that she was not ill" todoroki said with a small smile.

"Yeah, now bow down to the awesome izuku-sama, and be grateful that you are in his presence, the great izuku-sama has personally helped you in your quest for atonement" izuku said joking as todoroki snorted and said " As if"

Both looked at each other and laughed a little as izuku said " Nice seeing you are not tense like them, Shouto"

Todoroki grinning said " Hey izuku, Did you seriously expect me to be scared, even though i teamed up with bakugo, we still were able to work together and defeat Mr.Aizawa"

"Don't forget about me!! Half n half, it was thanks to me that you passed!! And you Fox Bastard, now you'll see me destroying your score in the exam!!" Bakugo shouted but was ignored by todoroki and Izuku said bored "Huh? Did you say something bakugo?"

"You Bastard!! I'll murder you!!" Shouted Bakugo as his curses began

Meanwhile kirishima, Sato, Mina and Kaminari were gloomy, things were grim for them as they had lost in their exam, but sero was trying to comfort them which was obviously not working.

"Take your seats!" Aizawa said entering the class.

"About your end of term exams" aizawa began and noticed everyone except a three were anxious.

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