U.A Becomes Boarding School

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Izuku winced as midnight cleaned his forehead wound and applied bandages.

He then flinched as Momo applied ice on his ribs, where there was a large bruise and he shouted " Ouch!, Hey that hurt"

"And whose fault is that!?" Momo glared at him and he turned quiet and said " Sorry" as she humphed and said "Honestly midoriya-kun, did you have to get hurt this much?"

"What can I do? He was strong, I couldn't finish the fight quickly even if I wanted to" Izuku said shrugging and winced again as the ice was applied on his cheek by midnight.

He was sitting near the ambulance as he was being attended to, while the police and All Might had taken All For One to Tartarus, the prison for extremely dangerous villains and the other heroes injured by all for one were also taken to the hospital.

Izuku's friends and teachers gathered around him as he was finished being attended to and the rest of the heroes were checking if anyone that got left behind got injured.

"Hey, izuku I have a question" Shouto said as he looked at izuku

"Hmm?" Izuku motioned for him to continue.

"I wanted to ask, how were you able to control yourself when you went full 9 tails" Shouto asked and everyone's attention turned to him.

"I wasn't" izuku said as they all looked at him and he continued " I wasn't able to control myself, I was just drowning to the depth of mind so that I don't wake up at all, I was tired, I lost focus' of my drive and goal, I just wanted everything to end, I was filled with hatred and sadness and those emotions were so strong that they filled my mind and kurama got corrupted and took control to complete my desire at that time, which was to end everything."

They all looked at him in sadness, the boy in front of them had gone through so much in life as izuku continued in a much happier mood "But then mom came to me"

"What! But that's impossible, didn't she..." Uraraka said with wide eyes, while Aizawa narrowed his eyes and asked " How?"

"She said that before death she wanted to say things to me and was instinctively able to use her quirk telekinesis to send a small portion of her soul into my mind" Izuku explained as they all looked shocked and Kirishima said " Quirks can really do anything, huh?"

"She told me that the world needs me, you all needed me and cared for me and that I cannot lose my goal and must continue to move forward and above a to always remember that she along with my dad loved me and that's when I regained control." Izuku said smiling

"It's as they say that a mother's love for her child is truly stronger than anything" Iida said pushing glasses up.

"So what about that green flickery thing" Bakugo asked and once again everyone turned to him.

"Hey kurama, what was that?" Izuku asked kurama

"That was an incomplete chakra mode, when you are able to completely control my power and we are totally in sync that's when you'll be able to enter complete chakra mode and that chakra won't flicker but will stay on you, then you can call me out in chakra form" kurama said yawning.

"That's so awesome" izuku unknowingly said it outside too.

"What's awesome?" Momo asked looking at izuku

"Sorry, kurama just told me what that mode was and that's awesome, I may be the most overpowered person in the future" izuku said grinning at the prospect of being so powerful.

"And what is that power?" Iida asked

"That was the incomplete chakra mode, when complete I can access all of kurama's chakra that won't flicker but be all over me and I can even call kurama out in chakra form and even be able to travel at the speed of sound without actually using hiraishin" izuku said and they're eye widen, that would practically make him untouchable.

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