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Hey everyone, i am updating once again. The subjects which i found difficult are over so, i began updating again, now the chapter will come weekly


All pro heroes and teacher of U.A were sitting in a meeting where they were discussing the invasion.

A detective rose and said " I searched for the name shigaraki in our database along with his quirk to disintegrate anything he touches but i found none, same with the warping man kurogiri."

"So basically it's like this, that ringleader shigaraki was either not hit by census or a fake name to fool us, and now that we got nothing on them they will come again to surprise us" Snipe said irritated.

"Ringleader eh?" All Might said

"What is it all might?" Nezu asked

"It's just that Aizawa told me that this shigaraki was like a man child, in the middle of the fight he revealed everything about his 'nomu's' quirk and wouldn''t shut up about his plans and when things didn't go his way he would become sick in the head" All might explained

"He also rounded 200 thugs in the USJ" the detective said

"What that much?"  Vlad king or brad king whatever he is said

"Yes, but they were all 2nd or 3rd rate thugs from the streets" the detective replied

"I don't know why but i have a feeling that someone is grooming him to be a villain like we are grooming the children to be future heroes" Nezu said at which everyone paused.

The detective then said " It could be a possibility"

"Anyways there is also the matter of Izuku Midoriya" the detective said his voice a little worried

Midnight glared and said " What about my brother?"

"Calm down,midnight" present mic said

The detective coughed and said concerned about children safety. "We learned from the students that he defeated the nomu thing and turned into a monster, is he safe with the others?"

"He is perfectly fine" midnight growled.

"Nemuri, that's enough" nezu said seriously and then turned towards the detective and prompted him to continue as he said " I mean he should be taken of the campus if he is a danger to others"

"So you are suggesting that we kick out a student for not letting his fellow classmates and teacher die, that we should kick him out just because he has a quirk that has the potential to defeat all might, we should kick him out just because he doesn't have enough control over his quirk? You are forgetting mr.detective that this is a hero school where we teach children to learn how to use their quirks and help other people and izuku midoriya is the boy who i have the most faith in, he is the boy with the brightest potential." Nezu asked as the detective lowered his head in shame.

Nezu continued " Izuku midoriya is an excellent student with an exceptional and first of his kind, a sentient and ancient beast as a quirk, and we will make sure he can control his quirk and become a great hero"

Everyone nodded and cementoss said "regardless of his transformation, we are grateful that he saved the others"

"Yes, it takes guts to not think about yourself but others during a life and death situation" Snipe said

"Anyways we are getting off the topic so this meeting is adjourned" Nezu said as everyone began filling out.

U.A was closed the next day. And the day after that everyone was in class and Sero asked " Who is going to teach us today?"

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