USJ Invasion I

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I am really sorry guys but don't expect an update till the 12th of june because CAIE exams are starting from 3rd of may and i have to study hard to get good grades. So please wait until then. I decided i should at least update a chapter instead of Author's note, anyways i am sorry once more, please wish me luck for the exams


Everyone arrived at their location and were awed as they looked at the gigantic place and thought ' Woah, is the universal studios for japan or something'

"This is a practical training ground i created for young aspiring heroes, to stimulate all kinds of dangers, it's name is The Ultimate Space For Jams" Thirteen, a pro hero/heroine said wearing an astronaut type costume.

'It really is U.S.J' were everyone's thoughts except for one 'Troublesome' and we all know who this is.

"Hey, it's the space hero thirteen!!" Uraraka and Momo shouted, they began to fangirl and said "wow i've always liked thirteen, he's a gentleman hero who helps in disaster reliefs"

Izuku and Todoroki who were stamding beside them looked at each other and shrugged as izuku muttered " Troublesome women" and todoroki muttered "Annoying"

"Do have something to say, midoriya-kun/Todoroki-kun" Momo and Uraraka asked very sweetly, with a dangerous aura surrounding them as Izuku and Shouto both flinched and said " No, nothing"

"We know" they both said and returned to their fangirling as izuku mumbled " What was that?" With todoroki nodding alongside him as he too muttered " I too was scared for a second"

'Hahahaha, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' kurama laughed loudly from within izuku.

'Shut up' izuku replied to him.

"Before we begin i would like to say that you all know my quirk black hole is useful for rescues but you must also learn that it can be easily used to kill a person, and not only mine but yours can too so think rationally before using them" thirteen spoke as everyone agreed with her.

"All right first things first-" aizawa spoke but was cut off as a black vortex was formed in the middle of USJ and a man with hands covering him came out.

"Shit! Thirteen protect the students" Aizawa said getting ready for battle as many people came out after the first man.

"Woah, there are even fake villains" Kirishima said until aizawa said " no these are real villains" scaring everyone.

"Looks like all might isn't here" the black mist spoke.

"Why? Why isn't all might here, according to the curriculum he was supposed to be here?" The hand man asked.

"Calm down shigaraki, he will arrive" the mist said to shigaraki the hand man

"But why isn't he here kurogiri?" Shigaraki growled.

The mist or shigaraki didn't reply as he kept gazing at aizawa.

"Looks like we won't be needing the sleeping bags sensei" Izuku said seriously.

Everyone was surprised as izuku stretched and stood straight, his eyes focused on the villains.

'Is this midoriya when he's serious?' They wondered.

"Don't panic and try to contact U.A kaminari" aizawa instructed as kaminari said " It's like they planted a jammer i can't"

"Mr.Aizawa are you planning to fight them?" Izuku asked

"Yes, a hero is not a one trick pony" he replied

"Mr.Aizawa, i think that you should let me handle this, i have feeling they have a stronger villain here because they knew sheer number of small thugs would never defeat all might and if there is then you would be worn out and it will result in disastrous for us, the students, because thirteen however strong he may be can't protect 20 students alone" Izuku explained and everyone looked at him wide eyed along with aizawa.

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