USJ Invasion II

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Hey guys this is the author and i got some free time and i thought it won't be fair to everyone to wait for the part II of Usj sl i wrote it for you. But still remember the next update will be on 12 or 13th june.

Bye bye.

Izuku struggled to break free as shigaraki said smirking " i know you're strong kid, that's why there are 20 men pinning you, all heavyweights"

"Damn it!" Izuku shouted, struggling to break free from underneath the men.

"Let us go you fucker!!" Bakugo shouted, he was also pinned by 6 men.

"Boss, what do we do with the girls?" A female villain asked, looking at shigaraki for an answer.

"Do whatever you want to, kill them have fun with them whatever. I only want to kill All might." Shigaraki said not interested in the least.

Some man grinned lust fully and said "Well, why the wait, let us have some fun with them"

They reached the girls and one man traced his finger on Mina's face. Another was about to touch momo when izuku shouted his eyes turning red again" You Bastard! Get away from her, if you as much as touch her, i'll kill you!!"

"Oh? Then i'll have fun with her first and see what you can do" he said as he was about to touch her when izuku screamed in frustration as kurama shouted within his mind ' COME ON IZUKU!! DO SOMETHING TAKE MY POWER!!'

Izuku scream turned into a roar and a shockwave was produced as weveryone was launched away from him and the villains took their stance ready for a fight.

Izuku growled as he got on all fours and a red bubbly cloak covered him which had a silhouette of a fox, a single tail formed at the end.

He roared as the ground cracked and launched forward, tearing the man's arm away as he screamed in pain and fell down bleeding.

Izuku turned towards the others who were advancing towards the girls and forming electricity in his hands he slammed them down and electrocuted the villains.

"Grrrr" izuku growled as a second tail grew and the cloak intensified and became darker, and the look in izuku's eye turned cruel and merciless.

Izuku ran at the villains, and the villains all attacked him to defend themselves, some used electricity, some flames, some mutant types stood behind, ready to interefere if something happens, sadly none of the attacks even scratched izuku as he roared near them, sending a shockwave which threw them all away in air and izuku vanished appearing behind every single one in such speed that only a red blur could be seen and smacked every villain away and each time he hit someone a sickening crunch was heard.

Aizawa stood up shakily and said "Everyone get..away from midoriya!!"

Everyone hearing aizawa got away from izuku's range, except momo who concerned for her friend shouted "Midoriya-kun!"

Izuku looked at her and ran at her, she closing her eyes, braced herself expecting a hit, only to feel nothing and then opened her eyes and saw izuku punching the creature behind her and sending him sprawling back.

"Get away..yaoyorozu, i am losing control..I can't control anymore." Izuku's voice came out deep and feral.

Momo although worried and confused to what was happening, nodded reluctantly and got away and reached aizawa who was limping as she helped him up reach her classmates.

"Mr.Aizawa" they shouted wprried for their teacher as aizawa shrugging them off replied " I am fine, just a little banged up"

"What's wrong with midoriya, it's like he's turned into a monster" Mineta said terrified and trembling.

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