Liscene Exam..

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A/N: So guys, i finally got a new phone, instead of the old iphone 4s, and so i finished this chapter which i had left halfway in my Samsung Note 5 which i told you that my brother drowned it (My poor phone), anyways i completed the chapter and published it, the rest will come weekly from the day Season 4 is released....

After everyone had finished unpacking they had a room competition and the most surprising was izuku's room, it was completely plain with nothing fancy inside which surprised them as izuku said " I like it simple"

The room competition was won by Satou as he bribed the girls with cake. Izuku went in Momo's room and whistled as he said " A classic rich girl's room, the walking space is cramped" he deadpanned at the end.

And without anyone noticing slipped a hiraishin kunai under the bed and smirked as he thought 'Mission accomplished'

'Hehehe' kurama chuckled.

Izuku then yawned as he said "So now that it's over can I go and sleep?"

"Okay" Mina said as izuku went to his room and slept.

The next day, everyone was in class and aizawa's class was going on and he said " As I mentioned yesterday, our first task is to get you all provisional hero liscenes"

"There will be an exam, that will be extremely strict and you all have to work hard to earn it, this liscene will allow you all to intervene when people's life at stake, but let me tell you that the passing rate is less than five percent" Aizawa explained.

Everyone's eye widen and izuku rose a hand and said " I already have a liscene, what about me?"

Now everyone looked at aizawa curious as aizawa said " You are also to give the exam and if you pass then you'll retain it, and if you fail then the liscene will be taken from you, that's what Nezu said"

"Sure, no problem" izuku said shrugging

"So what'll we have to train in, to pass the exam?" Kaminari asked looking at aizawa

"Am I dreaming or did kaminari seriously ask a legit question" Jirou said pinching herself.

"Hey!" Kaminari said in embarrassment and the others laughed.

"You all have to come up with at least two of your very own special moves" Aizawa said looking at his students.

That's when other teachers started entering the room such as midnight, cementoss and Ectoplasm.

"Special moves, which will ensure your victory" Ectoplasm said putting a finger out.

"These techniques must be deeply ingrained in who you are" said cementoss

"And they will become a symbol of who you are" Midnight said making a peace sign at izuku

"Go change into your costume and come at gamma gym" Aizawa informed and everyone proceeded to gamma gym.

Izuku entered last and everyone whistled as Kirishima said " Damn, that's a cool looking cloak"

"I know right?, And on the back it says the green flash" Sero said a little envious.

Izuku smirked as he listened to their praises and thought 'Yeah, praise me more'

'Seriously, izuku?' Kurama said sighing.

"Yo, Yaoyorozu-chan" izuku said creeping behind Momo who jumped and blushing she said "Midoriya-kun"

"So, what are you thinking about? Any idea on which move you'll make?" Izuku asked as he looked at her and she sighed as she said " I'll think about it"

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