chapter 1: First encounter

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“ I'm starting the engine and I'm  leaving you here miss.” yelled Rose( Jennie’s mom)
“ ok I’m coming just chill woman, Marcus isn’t going anywhere. “ sassed Jennie while rose rolled her eyes .

Rose was yelling because her lover’s house is in a private town, they discussed that after driving for 3 hours through the state and following a point that Marcus fixed on GPS they will meet him and change cars after. Rose didn’t tell Jennie none of this afraid she will ask too many questions . Jennie wasn’t aware of that as she was a little sad for leaving the house who had many happy and sad memories.

After meeting Marc and arriving at the town, Jennie couldn’t shake off that feeling of being watched and glared at by many passengers.
^^ and damn what are they eating in here ^^ she wondered as all the women look like models while the men look like they never leave the gym and they are all giants.
She cursed as she know she’s just 5'5 ft and she thought she was tall and all . She was pulled to reality when Marc said “we are here .“

Jennie started scratching herself when a sexy God walked from the front door of the mansion they pulled infront of.
He hugged her mother and soon to be step father when he twisted his head like a dog sniffing the air , and in a second he was in front  of her observing and studying her and sniffing again while getting closer to her .
When their eyes met, time froze until Marc cleared his voice and introduces her to him but he just cranked his nose as in smelling something bad and went inside .
When Jennie snapped out of it and looked at Marc, he seemed happy, confused and angry.
She was confused and wandered what just happened.
Marc walked to her and said “ sorry Jennie, that was my son Jacob, he is just a little bit confused, you will get together eventually ."
Jennie just nodded more confused and when Marc put his hand on her shoulder to assure her that everything will be alright, the front door slammed open revealing Jacob who glared at his father making him withdrew his hand in a defeating motion.

What is going on? And can Jennie get any more confused than she  already is?

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