We met

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Thanks to Angelina, I got to meet Dakota, and I got his number. At first we didn't ever text,  but then the Savannah field trip came up. On the bus ride Ciara knew I had Will's number, so she wanted to FaceTime him, when he didn't answer I FaceTimed Dakota. It was so funny as we were texting and calling him, we later figured out he was on the same bus, but he was all in the front and we were in the back.

When we arrived in Savannah, Ciara and I got our stuff from under the bus and met with our other room-mate, which was Mina. Mina does not talk at all, she can, but she chooses not to. I don't really know why, I heard it was because she doesn't like her voice, but I don't know. She got her own bed and watched YouTube with her earbuds in, while Ciara and I were just sitting there. We ended up Facetiming Dakota. He answered and all of his room-mates were shirtless, and that was interesting. We facetimed them for a while and it was really fun, really weird, but fun.

The second day we were supposed to go to Tybee Island, but there was an accident, so we went to an old baseball stadium instead. We were eating dinner with Will, Dakota, and other friends too.  We made dirty pick up lines and Ciara said one line that was , " Are you a popsicle because I want to lick you?" Then Dakota said something really funny and I laughed so hard I peed my pants. We had a hour and a half bus ride back to the hotel...keep in mind I peed my pants. Now that is one of our dirty jokes that we use, still till this day. "Save room" is the joke, no need to explain it because I don't think I am going to be sharing this to the world.

When we got back to the hotel and then to our room we facetimed Dakota's room that night too. We talked for a while, but eventually we went to sleep. The next day was the last day of the trip. I told Ciara that out of all the guys Dakota is the cutest, and then I kept reminding myself that I was "dating" Jacob. Ciara would be like "ooooo you like Dakota." I would just ignore her and move on, but then I started to wonder if I did.

The Savannah Trip ended and we were friends and I think I was just thinking I liked him because I don't know, he is the opposite sex and my friend, so it makes sense, right?  I know weird, but I got over it.

Later that year was student directed one acts for our show-based drama class. In American Revolution In 40 Minutes Or Less, his role was the love interest, so it didn't really surprise me when he got the character Romeo in the student directed one act. What did surprise me was that I got Juliet. Of course it's a middle school show, so there wouldn't be kissing or anything, but our friends would be making jokes by saying, "Please make them kiss" because they knew we were close friends and wanted to mess with us. Literally all we had to do was hold hands, but we made that awkward anyways because I'm a girl and he's a guy, and oh my gosh we are holding hands. Jacob, who I was dating at the time, we haven't even held hands and we were dating for 6 months. I know I know trust me all my friends and parents have told  me how weird it was for to be dating that long and didn't even hold hands. After one acts was just us talking more and that lead to school ending and then summer.

Over the summer we would keep texting because I didn't want our friendship to dissolve. We would just text about random things, but I'm glad we did because we kept talking after that, and that helped me make sure our friendship wasn't going anywhere. I wanted to do a sport, but because of my knees and ankles being sensitive, I couldn't really do much. Then that got me thinking about swimming, and then I realized that Dakota has been doing swim. I started texting him about it and sometimes FaceTime him about it, and I was like that would be a good way to stay close with him too. It was also nice to have someone by my side to try something new for me.

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