Chapter Six (6)....This Is Zhou Mei Ling My Bride

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Kaname was excited no he was ecstatic at the fact that she was here in front of him and if not for the fact that he had to maintain a poker face for everyone else present he would have had his tongue down his little Ling'ers' throat and ravished her and uncaring of everyone else present. He unfortunately could not but he did walk to her and knelt down before her ,taking her hand in his to which she squeezed in response.

Looking into her eyes forgetting momentarily about the others in the room he stared intently into her eyes as if to convey how happy he was to see her and his Ling'er so used to his method of silent communication give his hand another squeeze.

For the others observing what was going on the were different reactions.

Kaien was shocked. It was his understanding that Kaname did not act like that in the 10 years the had known each other Kaname had maintained a cold and detached persona. So cold that though Kaien often is seen making jobs and taking jibs at Kaname he was in fact vary aware of the danger that was Kaname Kuran.

Yuuki couldn't believe that her precious Kaname-Sempai could smile (even though it was but a tilt of his lips) and even KNEE before anyone. In the years she has watched the night class students, Yuuki has come to realize that Kaname was treated with a certain level of reverence and the fact that he was the class President contributed to this theory. In fact more often than not whenever Zero acted in any way disrespectful towards him the whole class reacted as though Zero had told them he raped their mothers and that he was their elder.

The 4 guards were used to this and did not have a change in expression the only sign of the reaction being the loosening of their stance as they knew without any doubt that the best protection Mei Ling had will always be Kaname.

Zero was unconscious with his body twitching due to the feeling of fire burning through his veins.

Seiren carried on her watch of her master for her spot in the shadows.

"I missed you so much Kaname." Mei Ling's voice was shaky a hint of unhappiness passing briefly through her eyes before her eyes returned to their usual blank state but Kaname saw it. His chest burnt with disappointment towards himself and more anger towards Juri and Yuuki. "Am sorry I haven't been able to be with you but know this I will Never leave you alone again." Kaname's voice turned frosty when uttering the last part of the sentence revealing to Mei Ling that in fact that Kaname knew of what was happening in the Empire and the reason for her early departure besides seeing him.

Mei Ling's voice turned softer as if coaxing him to forgive her as she hadn't told Kaname the truth as to not worry him. "I know. After all now that we have about 2 years before the wedding I convinced grandpa to let us spend time together. My parents are aware of it and wish to have my siblings attend here for schooling later this year, most likely after our engagement party." By this time Mei Ling's other hand had made its way to Kaname's face and into his hair pulling on the strands of hair at the back of his head with a pout on her lips.

Kaname still on his knee's stared at the love of his life and accepted the change in subject. Deciding to stand Kaname finally made eye contact with the Chairman and said. "I wished to talk to you about possibly students from Russia that will potentially be visiting between the months of May through July if negotiations go well with the Vampire School over there. But we can talk about that later I wish to take Ling'er to the dorms to rest." Kaname then turned back towards the entrance of the office where Yuuki was still being pinned between the Bai twins. "Release her." He commanded in his usual monotonous voice having hardly glance in Yuuki's direction. As for Zero he said simply "Seiren take him to his room." Before making a turned once more towards the Chairman stressing the words "Chairman" as a way of stating his departure.

Now freed Yuuki opened her mouth to ask (more like demand) in a loud voice that could be heard down the hall. "Who is she?" Yuuki's finger was pointed towards Mei Ling's body, her expression haughty as though she had the right to demand the answers.

There was a moment of silence before the build up of pressure and the creaking of the glass windows and Kaname's voice laced with venomous intent said.

"This Is Zhou Mei Ling My Bride."

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